On June 2th we installed the officers for the 2011-2012 Rotary Year. We were joined by our guests, (then current) DG Maurie Mader accompanied by his wife "District Saint" Peggy, our AG Carol Pellet, and our former Exchange Student Dwayne Dottin.
The evening began with outgoing President Harry Pinto giving a recap of the past year's highlights. Then incoming President Ray Altenburger presented Harry with a plaque, on behalf of the club, thanking him for his outstanding leadership during the past year.
Ray Altenburger (left) and Harry Pinto (right) with the plaque
Then Ray presented Georgine Meyer with a service award pin for her dedicted service to the club and her 22 years of perfect attendence.
Ray Altenburger presents Georgine Meyer with her pin while Harry Pinto looks on

DG Maurie Mader presented Harry Pinto with a picture of Harry and Adrienne at the President's Ball.

Maurie (left) and Harry holding the picture


DG Maurie Mader "presided" at the installation of the 2011-2012 officers. His "oath" of "Do you REALLY know what you are getting into?" prompted the laughter you see in the installation picture.  (Thanks Dwayne for taking the pictures for me) Then Maurie "attempted" to pin Ray with his President's Pin - I say "attempted" because, for some reason, the pin refused to go through the fabric of Ray's jacket......


DG Maurie Mader (right) swearing in the new officers (LtoR) Secretary Adrienne Pinto, Assistant Treasurer Janet Cicariello-Cook, President-Elect Beth Smith, Treasurer Dilip Vora, and President Ray Altenburger


DG Maurie Mader pinning President Ray Altenberger, while the other officers and Harry Pinto look on



The 2011-2012 officers with Maurie

LtoR: DG Maurie Mader, Secretary Adrienne Pinto, Assistant Treasurer Janet Cicariello-Cook, President-Elect Beth Smith, Treasurer Dilip Vora, and President Ray Altenburger



Congratulations to our 2011-2012 Officers!

President Ray Altenburger

President-Elect Beth Smith

Secretary Adrienne Pinto

Treasurer Dilip Vora

Assistant Treasurer Janet Cicariello-Cook
