A great presentation from Leanne Cassup of ICBC and Sergeant Patrick from the RCMP. We think of distracted driving as texting and phoning while driving. Not true, there are a hundred reasons to become distracted. Appyling makeup, reading a book, eating Chinese food while steering with your knees are but a few. Main point about phone use, if you have it in your hand while driving or standing at the lights, it's an automatic fine. No excuse will get you of the hook. Watch out for that guy on the corner or a long distance camera (1.2km) before you make that choice to use your phone. 
The presentation also gave the opportunity to test your driving skills, a computer console with a steering wheel attached along with foot pedals for the gas and brake. As you can see in the photo above, one guy was having too much fun, I wont mention his name but I'm sure you recognize him if you met him.