Youth Services
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Kurt Hueg


Committees Chair
BooksPlus Sally Chaves & Jeanine Valadez
Camp RYLA Brooke Schiller
Challenge Team Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills Adin Miller
Enterprise Leadership Conference (ELC) Arley Marley
Interact Clubs Liaison - Los Altos High Brooke Schiller
Los Altos Rotary Club Scholarships Elsbeth Tebrake
Mentor Tutor Connection Chuck Lindauer
Scout Troop 78, 37 and Crew 37, and 4201 Charter Representative Randy Kriegh
Rotary Speech Contest Brooke Schiller
Young at Art Anne Kearns and Barbara Small
Youth Protection Officer Sally Meadows
Youth Vocational Mentoring Sally Chaves
  • BooksPlus: BooksPlus aims to close the literacy gap for underserved children, birth to pre-kindergarten, in Los Altos and neighboring communities.  The mission is for every child prepared to learn.
  • Mentor Tutor Connection: Mentor Tutor Connection (MTC) is a community organization that trains, supports, and places volunteer tutors and mentors in local schools. MTC tutors work with students at our local elementary and middle schools (Los Altos School District and Mountain View Whisman School District); MTC mentors work with students who attend the three high schools of the Mountain View Los Altos High School District. 
  • Interact Clubs:  Oversees the operations of Los Altos High School to ensure quality experiences for youth consistent with Rotary principles. Find ways to relate Interact with Rotary activities.
  • Camp RYLA: Screens and selects six youths, two each from the three local high schools, to attend the annual five-day leadership training camp held in June for high-school youth.
  • Los Altos Rotary Club Scholarships: Solicits, screens, and selects recipients for Club scholarship awards at high school and junior high school levels. Implements specific criteria for selection as determined by the Scholarship Committee. Presides at our annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon held in late May. Funds for these awards are allocated annually by LAREF.
  • Scout Troop 37 and Troop 4201 (girls) Liaison: Serves as a communications link between the Club and Boy Scout Troop 37, which our Club has sponsored since 1950, and Troop 4201.
  • Scout Pack 76 Liaison: Serves as a communications link between the Club and Cub Scouts Pack 76, for which our Club is the Charter Organization.
  • Rotary Speech Contest: Works with high schools to promote training in public speaking and to provide contestants for the District 5170 Youth Speech Contest.
  • Vocational Service:  Encourages Rotarians to share their skills and expertise through vocational service activities mentoring, career days, vocational awards, business assistance and public speaking.
  • Young at Art: A local high school art competition sponsored by LARC.  Winners receive monetary awards and are publicized in the local media. The art is exhibited with downtown businesses and the Los Altos Library.