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Director of Club Service (Operations)
Sandy Mingia
Operations Committees and Chairs
Operations Committees | Chair |
Audit | Dennis Young |
Banking | Joanne Kavalaris |
Bylaw Revision | Tracie Murray and Kathy Berry |
Cashiering | Wyatt Allen |
Catering | |
Club Calendar | Steve Pomeroy |
Club Handbook | Frank Elmer |
Club Historian &
Public Relations
Marlene Cowan |
Club Trainer | Lindsay Carpenter |
Editor of Rotator | Cynthia Luedtke |
District Technology Liaison | |
Fine Art in the Park (FAITP) | Herb Marshall and Kartik Trivedi |
Young At Art
Patricia 'Tiger' Rohrs |
Food Booth at Art & Wine Festival | Open |
Garden House Upgrade | Mark Rogge, Steve Pomeroy and Clari Nolet |
Insurance Review | Dwight Mathews |
Marketing | Being formed. |
Meeting Place | |
Photography | Steve Pomeroy |
Property Management | Dick Simko, Tom Johnson |
Rotator | Annie Yu, Publisher |
Sergeant-at-Arms | Dr. Aaron Neufeld, Mike Abrams |
Webmaster | Steve Pomeroy |
Description of Committees
- Audit: As directed by the Club Board of Directors, accomplishes financial reviews of LARC and LAREF accounting practices and reports back to them.
- Bylaw Revision: As directed by the Club Board of Directors, current Bylaws of the Club may be reviewed and changes recommended where necessary or appropriate to keep Club Bylaws current with Rotary International and with Club needs and practices.
- Cashiering: Provides Cashiering functions at all Club meetings and activities other than fund-raising activities.
- Club Historians: Continues to document and record the prior years of the Club (activities, key people, accomplishments, honors, etc.)
- Club Handbook: Compile and publish a complete handbook for use by all members. A new edition of the handbook is to be distributed early in each Rotary year. Encourages members to assure that information is current and accurate. The handbook includes many essential items of information to assist members in being aware of, and interested in, the activities, programs, and purpose of the Club.
- Editor of Rotator: Through the weekly on-line newsletter, members are informed of the highlights of the previous weekly meeting, announcements of coming events, District activities, Rotary education, etc. Membership participation and attendance are stimulated and fellowship is promoted. Those members without access to the internet will have a copy of the weekly Rotator mailed to their homes.
- District Technology Liaison: An ad hoc committee still under consideration.
- Fine Art Show: Director helps to assure that Artist Coordinator and committee members plan and promote our annual major fundraising activity, both within and outside the Club, to assure the show is a success. Director coordinates all the planning and operations of the weekend and follow-up critique of this event. This is our major fundraising event of the year.
- Young-at-Art: Coordinate with high schools, art galleries, Fine Art Show committee, and media, to invite students to participate in an art competition. Funds for prize money to come from art show budget. Arrange for proper pickup and return of art and provides a suitable ceremony at a Club meeting for the winning artists.
- Insurance Review: Reviews current insurance coverage of Club, relative to exposure to elements of risk. Recommends changes as necessary or appropriate.
- Food Booth: Plans, coordinates, staffs, and manages food sales at the Los Altos Village Associations Art & Wine Show each July. Profits to go to Club operations budget.
- Meeting Place: (inactive at this time) Oversees the adequacy of meeting place and meal service. Takes action to improve when necessary. Informs meeting place representative when Club will not meet in normal location due to other events or activities.
- Photography: Photography Committee takes photographs for the Rotator and the club yearbook.
- Property Management: Fulfills a quartermaster role in maintaining and storing equipment used in fund-raising activities. Recommends replacement and acquisitions of equipment, supplies, and materials as needed.
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Prepares the meeting place for weekly meetings in terms of equipment and materials to efficiently run a meeting. Assures timely setup of equipment, assures working order of same, and stores away after use. Assists in collection of fines and other fees as appropriate.
- Webmaster: The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the Club website at or These duties include posting the weekly Rotator on the Internet, keeping web pages up to date, and sending messages to members on the Club e-mail list.
- Yearbook: Chronicles the current year of Rotary within the Club. Takes photographs, collects materials, gathers comments and thoughts to assemble into a scrapbook to be presented to the outgoing President at the end of the year.
rev: 2019 ADG
{Copyright © Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved}