This Tuesday we are thrilled to welcome David Beurle from Future IQ!
Future IQ - David Beurle is a world-renowned expert on community, regional and organizational economic revitalization. His work extends from the local and regional, through to Corporate and Governmental levels with a focus on ‘future thinking’ and long-term planning. He specializes in creating innovative future planning approaches for use in regional and organizational settings. He developed the groundbreaking Future Game as a widely used planning and workshop tool, which has been successfully used across the world in community, regional, industry, corporate and governmental settings. He pioneered the application of Scenario Planning to regions and rural industries around the world. Having worked in the field of regional and community planning/ revitalization for over 20 years, he is a leader in the field of regional and organizational development.
Welcome David! We are excited to have you! 
Please note: We will be back at the Holiday Inn this Tuesday.