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Facebook Feed 2019-07-06 05:00:00Z 0
Mickey Gilley Brings Branson To Wharton, Texas! Sharon Joines 0
Posted by Bruce Williams
Book collection pickup will be done on April 12. Contact Bruce Williams to schedule a pickup.

Used books will be sent to South Africa for teaching and the shipping containers are left to become school rooms, libraries and offices.

Contact Bruce at bruce@bmwsystems.com, (979) 282-9837 home (713) 898-1941
Rotary Books for the World Bruce Williams 0
District 5890 Events Bruce Williams 0
Posted by Bruce Williams
Last week..............D.D. Hill, The Rights of Passage
Programs Bruce Williams 0
Weekly Door Prize Bruce M. Williams 0
Joke of the Day Bruce M. Williams 0
Posted by Bruce M. Williams
Since members are listing their programs in advance, we need to be sure someone hasn't booked a program in advance. I'll have this info at the board meeting.

Ricki Johansen

These are the future programs. Please notify Ricki Johansen of your presenter and the title of your program one week in advance. If you are unable to schedule a program, please contact Ricki as soon as possible for a list of ideas. Cell #979-559-0645
Anouncements Bruce M. Williams 0
Posted by Bruce M. Williams

After logging on to the system, members may update their personal profile, address, telephone, email information, and change their password. Add friends, update the status of tasks assigned in relation to new members, book (and cancel bookings) for club events and volunteering, and view the club directory.  To access the rotary clubs website: www.clubrunner.ca/wharton.

If this is your first time to the website your userid is first name.lastname and the password is your last name.

Contact Bruce Williams at (979) 282-9837 home or (713) 898-1941 cell for assistance.

The Basics for Club Members Bruce M. Williams 0