Youth for Christ 'Streetlight Mobile Youth Centre'...$100,000;

Rotary Reading Garden...$400,000;

Rotary Fire Hall at Fanshawe's Children's Safety Village...$25,000;

Youth for Christ 'Streetlight Bus'...$45,000;


Canada 2001 Games...$13,000;

Salvation Army...$14,000;

Children's Hospital of Western Ontario...$30,000;

Rotary Rink at the Market...$33,000;

Annual Secondary School Scholarship Award...$25,000;

Annual Business Integrity Award $25,000;

Annual Youth Peace Award...$15,000;

Salvation Army's Bethesda Centre (17 car seats)...$4,000;

Thames Valley Children's Centre...$550,000;

Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Clinic...$20,000;

Dental Project...$12,000


Hurricane Katrina Relief through the Salvation Army...$3,800;

Tsunami Disaster Relief...$4,500;

Kelowna Fire Disaster Relief, Peterborough and Durham Flooding...amount unknown;

Polio Eradication...$200,000;

Honduras Project (for an educator in Tegucigalpa School Program)...$4,000;

The Water School Project in Uganda...$5,000;

Water Project in Playa Brasil, Mexico...$8,700;

Cameroon Water Project...$3,800;

New Delhi Program (to teach vision-impaired women marketable skills)...$4,500;

Honduras Water and Sanitation Systems Project...$150,000;

Blood Bank in Ambala, India...$5,000;

Water and Sanitation Project in Moradabad, India...$7,000;

Several Polio Plus Projects...$40,000;

Adopt-a-Limb Project in Thailand...$5,800;

Water and Hydro Project in Nigeria...$100,000;

Annual Rotary Exchange Student Funding...$35,000;

Cataract Operations in India...$3,000