Angela Bernhardt Installs Doug Arndt

Angela Bernhardt:  "Doug Arndt, you have been selected by the members of this Rotary Club to guide its affairs during the coming year. You have been entrusted with an important responsibility that will help shape your club’s future. Doug, you have been elected to the office of President of the Wayzata Rotary by its members. It is an expression of their confidence in you leadership."
With the words spoken for the Oath for the President, Doug Arndt was sworn in as the 2017-2018 Wayzata Rotary President:
"I, Doug Arndt, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the Wayzata Rotary and that I will to the best of my ability give support and assistance to the District Governor and to Rotary International and that I will uphold the constitution and bylaws of this club."
Angela was presented with a President's plaque and Doug was presented with a 2018-2019 President's pin.  Thank you Angela and Congratulations Doug. We look forward to the new Rotary year!