Wayzata Rotary Approves New STRIVE Program

The Wayzata Rotary Board approved a motion to fund and support the new "Charlie Marvin Memorial STRIVE Program" on Wednesday, November 14, 2018, and members voted to approve with a hand vote at the meeting.

Norrie Thomas will be the club champion and is very excited that so many Rotarians have expressed interest in mentoring and coaching students. We are working with Wayzata School staff and teachers to design the best program for students. Memorial contributions for deceased member, Charlie Marvin, were received in the amount of $3,785.00.  The board voted to move the $5,000 budget item that have historically been used to support the Rotary Youth Exchange/Northstar program to the STRIVE program.  In addition, a $2,000 anonymous donation was received to seed the program.  Members are ready to work within the community to support students at Wayzata High School and the Club is delighted to dedicate this new program to to Dr. Charlie Marvin, who was a great Rotarian and mentor to all of us, and is so greatly missed.
Wayzata Rotary will be partnering with IOCP (Interfaith Outreach in Plymouth) and their Great Expectations initiative which is in its third year with five teams totaling about 50 members comprised of Wayzata/Orono District and IOCP neighborhood program (NP) staff, parents of under-served students, and community volunteers.  Rotarian, LaDonna Hoy, is the lead for Great Expectations. Wayzata Rotary will also be working closely with Wayzata High School and their ALC mentoring program.  Rotarian, Scott Gengler, is the lead for this program.
*  ALC Goals:
* every student graduates
* students are better prepared for life after high school
* students make gains in academic achievement through:
a) engagement                              
b) motivation
c) best study practices
d) organizational skills, and
e) focus/diligence
Members of Wayzata Rotary who are interested in being a student mentor should contact Norrie (612 599 6497) for more details.  The time commitment ranges based on mentor ability and school logistics. We are continuing to work with administrators to build a sustainable and meaningful program with hopes to start as soon as possible in 2019. The Rotarian STRIVE program has shown amazing results in other metro and out-state school districts in Minnesota and we are motivated and excited for Wayzata students need us and we ready to serve. Tax deductible contributions can be me to the Wayzata Rotary Charitable Foundation.
Stay tuned for more updates as the program's details get worked out!