Every child received a book!
On Monday morning February 6, 18 Rotarians and friends from Boise Sunrise arrived at Morley Nelson Elementary School with some reading material to drop off with each student. The enrollment at Morley Nelson is just short of 500 so we had a LOT of books to deliver. In November, the teachers took a quiet poll of the students to discover what each one considered to be their favorite book. Boise Sunrise worked with the staff at the school to get those books ordered and paid for.
The Rotarian crew split in to three delivery teams as there were 22 classes to visit. The club had completed a similar project with Taft Elementary last year and there was unanimous agreement that we wanted to do this again. And this year, we got to observe the big smiles on the students’ faces when they received their books. Last year, those smiles were mostly hidden behind N95 masks. Additionally, over $500 worth of new books were ordered by the school librarian. This was a major literature delivery project!
This is one of our favorite projects each year as the students have already chosen their books. We shamelessly advocate for readers and reading and let the students know that our focus is on them and on delivering something we believe will make their future a little brighter and more successful.
At Boise Sunrise, we seek to leave it better than we found it and we are confident that this desired result was achieved with these deliveries. If you look closely at the photos below, you will see the rare sight of a literary free-for-all with fully twitter-pated second grade students enthusiastically comparing notes about their new books. What a great way to spend a Monday morning!