President's Message
My Rotary Story:
I suppose Rotary is in my blood. My father, an Army Physician, was a
Rotarian on and off. I grew up a nomad, moving from army post to
army post, then came many years of medical training and more
moves. My wife and son and I only really settled down when we
arrived in Palestine in 1991.
The Rotary club of Palestine is my club and the only club I have ever
been a member of, now for over 30 years. I love it and the incredible
organization of Rotary International. I “grew up” as a Rotarian in this
club, starting as a young professional new to Palestine, many years
ago. Although a busy young doctor, I enjoyed the fellowship and
community education outside of the hospital and outside of my own
echo chamber. I grew my friend group and grew in my understanding
of my new community. I got to know a lot of people and they got to
know me. Many eventually trusted me with their health care.
Soon, I fell under the spell of our legendary local Rotarian, Hugh
Summers, and I tried to match his energy and commitment (An
Impossibility!) I became heavily involved in Rotary Youth Programs
at our club and district level, RYLA, Interact and RYE (Rotary Youth
Exchange). My wife, Carolyn Salter MD, and I have hosted and helped
care for over a dozen young people from around the world. We have
been to 7 or 8 RI annual conventions in various countries.
Over the years I suppose I have aged into what many see as the
TYPICAL Rotarian, an older white guy. Thankfully that is no longer the
case and IT DOES NOT MATTER what you look like. Paul Harris said
“if you have a heart for service you are a Rotarian”. There was only
one woman in the club and I may have been the youngest member
when I joined in 1994. I am proud of how resilient and adaptable we
have shown ourselves to be. We are no longer just ROMEOs (rich old
men eating out) but a vibrant multigenerational, multiracial, group of
women AND men with service in their hearts who have FUN with their
fellowship. I hope to see our club become even more representative
of our community in order to serve Palestine well.
My presidential year I will strive to support and lead everyone to
become their very best selves through Rotary. Lets, together, harness
the “Magic of Rotary” and work joyfully to change ourselves, our
community and the world. Palestine Rotary Club was chartered 110
years ago this year. Throughout our District (5910) our club is known
as a very energetic, reliable and fun group of Rotarians. This, simply
put, IS what Rotary is all about and doesn’t come from the leadership
but from the club members' energy and hearts. Fellowship and
Service are the two essential magic ingredients for Rotary’s success.
Any volunteer organization’s success is founded on meaningful
relationships, relationships to our causes and each other.
Stephanie Urchick is RI president for 2024-2025 and we are fortunate
to have such a thoughtful, kind, intelligent and authentic woman to
lead us globally. She has said that “life is a lot more interesting on
the other side of yes”. Let us all say yes to whatever is asked of us
and then figure it out. Let’s think globally and act locally, start small
but think big. I look forward to a wonderful year in Rotary with you all.
Club Information
Welcome to Palestine Rotary Club!

"Home of the 5 Way Test!"

We meet In Person
Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.
First United Methodist Church
422 S Magnolia St
Fellowship Hall (Lamely Hall)
Palestine, TX 75801
United States of America
Upcoming Events
2025 Scholarship Application
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Past President
Rotary Foundation
Public Relations
Service Projects
Youth Programs
Interact Contact
Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

Things to know about Mário

Get to know your 2025-26 Rotary president, Mário César Martins de Camargo of Brazil

Birthdays & Club Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • David Brown
    February 11
  • Michael Davis
    February 11
  • Mark Harcrow
    February 23
  • Cindy Piersol
    February 26
Join Date:
  • Mark Tang
    February 1, 2012
    13 years
  • Ernie Williams
    February 3, 2021
    4 years
  • Bill Kimla
    February 8, 2023
    2 years
  • Jordan Ray
    February 8, 2023
    2 years
  • Jeff Doran
    February 11, 1998
    27 years
  • Josh Pulver
    February 14, 2008
    17 years
Palestine Rotary Happenings