Forrest Lauher - General Manager of the Motiva Port Arthur Refinery

gave us an update on the progress of the plant expansion.  At this time the project has been slowed due to the present economic turndown.  There have been no plans to limit the expansion, just to take year and a half longer to complete it.  Actually reductions by other area projects have provided better work force availability.

Lauher showed slides of the large modules that are arriving at the Port of Port Arthur almost weekly.  Getting them in place in the plant is utilizing some of the largest cranes in the world.  Moving these modules requires close coordination with the the Port Arthur Police Department.

He pointed out that without the local tax breaks the project probably would not have survived the economic downturn.  Every effort is being made to use local workers.  Special efforts have been made to train and employ the previously unemployable. Women have been trained to weld, much as was done during WWII. 

There was bill as many as 300 new permanent jobs upon completion of the project.  In answer to a question about the future of the large number of hotels and apartments being built in the area Lauher stated that the demand for housing will probably continue for many years with the episodic maintainance that will be needed for the expanded facilities.