Jim Delaney - Recruiting for GSE - Brazil - May 2010


John Delaney calls his visit to Argentina a blessing he'll have the rest of his life.

He shared tales of 1/2 star hotels, a sausage of congealed swine blood, and barbecue pits built into garages for a culture of sociable hosts.

"They love Americans. The love to have us there," Delaney told North Port Arthur Rotary members at their Monday luncheon meeting at the Medical Center of Southeast Texas.

He was a leader for the Rotary International Group Study Exchange, escorting four Texans representing Rotary District 5910. Delaney, a retired state district court judge and mediator living in Bryan, escorted the four non-Rotarians this spring. The party stayed in private homes, interacted with other Rotarians and soaked up the local culture.

The Americans saw what's said to be the widest avenue in the world; viewed groves of cedars, pines and eucalyptus trees; and noted the daily garbage pickup. Small bags of garbage are placed in raised stands to protect them from wild dogs that residents frequently encounter, Delaney said.

He described typical Rotary meetings that begin at 9 p.m., serve a meal at 10 p.m. and end near midnight. He said he often met Argentineans eager to tell them about their group study exchange in America.

Rotarians interested in leading a May 2010 exchange in Brazil may learn more through www.johndelaneymediator.com.  

Non-Rotarians may apply for the trip through Sept. 30 by seeking information at www.Rotary.org

(from the July 28, 2009 edition of the Port Arthur News)
