PAISD Update - Deputy Superintendent Dr. Mark Porterie


Dr. Porterie talked about the possiblity of financial cuts in the district due to the reduction of state funds.  He stressed that the district's first priority will continue to be improvement in student outcomes.  He hopes that any cuts in personnel can come through attrition.  He stressed that personnel represents the major part of the budget.

Dr. Portiere stressed that during 2009-2010 the district  had 15% improvment in overall science scores, a 6% improvement in overall math scores, a 5 % increase in overall writing scores and a 1% increase in overal science scores.

There were 4 campuses that were Recognized Schools and 6 campuses the Academically Acceptable.  No schools in PAISD are rated Unaccepable.

At this time there are 4,745 elementary school students, 1,842 middle school students and 2,460 high school students.  There is a total of 9,047 students in PAISD.

There are 48.3% African-American, 42.2 % Hispanic, 5.8% Asian/Pacific Islanders, .2% Native American and 3.6% White students enrolled in PAISD.

Attenda nce Rate 2007-8 was 94.2% and in 2008-9 it was 94.6%.

Graduation Rate in 2008 was 67.6% and in 2009 it was 76.4%.