Tony Brown: Teaching Good, Strong Men


   Memorial High School coaches are using the lessons of football to teach high schoolers how to be "good, strong men," Coach Tony Brown said Monday.
   Brown is Coach Kenny Harrison's new assistant -- in town just four weeks from Judson High School in San Antonio. He, Head Coach Harrison, and coaches Kip McFarlin and Brian Morgan were guests Monday. 
   "We talk (to the players) about character -- the influences they face and the wrong decisions they sometimes make," Brown said. "Those wrong decisions become habits, and habits become the way we think. Winners are people who do it better, all the time!" 
   Brown showed a video of the players in practice, commenting they dress alike to establish a standard, learn self-control and are encouraged to move quickly and purposefully wherever they are going -- "no slacking!" Boosting student enthusiasm is not always easy," he admitted. "It's been a chore to get the kids excited. But the more I'm around these kids, the more I'm excited about the season. 
   "Football can change the subculture of a school, boosting school spirit and enthusiasm," Brown said. "Football is important, but life is more important. We want to teach them the 'Titan Way-- to rise above!' "