City Manager and Rotarian Stewart Fairburn speaks at the 8-8-2013 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha about the upcoming tax election.
The Aug. 8, 2013 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha opened with a prayer, pledge and a song.
The song was the 4-Way Test put to music by the talented Mitch Williams, who plays several instruments but not at the same time or when he is flying.
Guests include Lilly Oberlender, Paul Lewis & Tanner and Logan Tibbetts.
Prayer concerns include Jim Loy, not a Rotarian but friend of many, who fell and broke his hip; Julius Haralson, recovering from knee replacement surgery and Bill Smith, who has moved to Glenhaven Assisted Living Center.
Anniversary wishes go out to Ron and Mrs. Sanders.
President Greg Elliott announced that the board has been moved to Aug. 16 at at Pizza Hut.
He also asked for volunteers to represent the club at a membership recruitment workshop on Saturday, 8-10.  Jim (Auto) Allen made the mistake of scratching his nose at the precise moment Greg asked for a show of hands of who could attend. Good thing it wasn’t an auction.
Rotarian of the Day Nathan Donald was absent so President Greg introduced Rotarian and City Manager Stewart Fairburn as our guest speaker. Stewart is on the civic club circuit promoting passage of the Capital Improvement Project Sales Tax that will be on ballots Sept. 10 in Chickasha.
The 10-year tax extension is expected to generate about $24 million, give or take, over its life. It will be used to make improvement in the city’s water infrastructure, streets and drainage.