Our guest speaker was Linda DeBerry, marketing director for the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History in Norman.

Our guest speaker was Linda DeBerry, marketing director for the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History in Norman.

The 6-9-2011 meeting of the Rotary Club of Chickasha meeting opened with a pray, pledge and a song.

Guests included Kyle Mottinger of Dunn's and Jeff Pederson, Al Flores, and Bruce Haile, all from AWG in OKC. They were all guests of Jerry Mottinger.

President-elect Michael Oberlender ran the meeting in the absence of President Mark Tibbetts. Michael announced that the day's meal had been catered by Dunn's Food Center, which was met with enthusiastic applause.

Prayer concerns included Janice McVey and Ed Chamberlain. Ed also welcomed a new grandchild recently.

Jay Foersch was the Rotarian of the Day and introduced Linda DeBerry of the Sam Noble Museum of National History in Norman.

Linda is a very entertaining speaker and very enthusiastic about the museum who gave some behind the scene looks at the museum. She presented a powerpoint presentation that reviewed many of the exhibits, hands on activities and collections at the museum.

Exhibits include the Hall of Ancient Life, Hall of Natural Wonders, Hall of People Oklahoma, Gallery of World Cultures, the Paleozoic Gallery and Pioneer Plaza.

Linda said the Discovery Room at the museum is a place to explore artifacts and scientific specimens in a hands-on, interactive environment. Visitors can participate in activities, observations and games that focus on understanding natural history, archaeology, fossils, geology and Oklahoma's natural resources. 


Collections at the museum include archaeology, ethnology, herpetology, ichthyology, invertebrates, mammalogy, Native American languages, gnomic resources, ornithology and paleontology.


The museum is located at 2401 Chautauqua Avenue in Norman. It is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $5 ($4 seniors, 65 & up; $3 children, 6-17; Children 5 and under, free)


Thank you Linda for a very good program.


The meeting closed with the recitation of the Rotary 4-Way Test.