Rotarian and Chair of Operation Red Nose Kelly Zammit provided a brief update to the Club regarding the Volunteer Appreciation Banquet held at the ICBC Claim Centre in recognition of the tremendous efforts of all the volunteers that helped to make our 2010 Campaign the huge success that it is.  135 volunteers came out for the dinner provided by Just Goode Foods, along with lots of presentations and door prizes.  A number of cheques were also distributed to organizations that came out to work as volunteers for the program.  A total of $10,500.00 was presented during the dinner.  A Special Recognition of "Gold Medals" was made to all of the "Toombs Family" for both their support with 78 person nights of volunteering, plus recognition for the fact they helped in all capacities including organizing, registration, set-up, take-down, dispatch, driving, runner, etc.  Our Operation Red Nose Program would not be the success that it is without the support of the Toombs Family.  Thank you very much.