**Rotary Club of Needham**
               Tuesday: February 26, 2013
               Location: Needham Community Council Office

Pledge of Allegiance: Charles Nelson
Song: God Bless America Led By Bob Cox
Invocation: Darrell Minnich.

• Thank you to Sandy Robinson and Debbie Winnick for a tour and use their new facilities for this meeting. It turned out very nice, and they can obviously serve more people.
• Bill Paulson gave us update on Pancake Breakfast which is still in the works with baseball group; they will sell tickets starting first week in April.
• Ted will meet with General Dynamics on March 5th regarding use of their space for a carnival.

Guests: - Libby Perro from Capron Lighting and Sound; Robin and Jeff from CitiBank: all prospective members!

Happy $$$: Many thank you’s to Community Council for use and tour of facility; happy to visit mother in AZ; thank you to Greg for great new shirts and referral; happy to be here; thank you for all that Council does in Needham; sad leaving Cox & Cox but glad to be able to stay in Rotary; got into Master’s program; going to Va Beach to visit 92 year old mother and great week in Puerto Rico.

Birthdays: “green” wishes to Ryan Dimaso

50:50: Looking for queen of diamonds: Person: George Hoffmeister; Pot: $645; no cards this week so we will draw first next week. George won’t be here, so, Tom Savino will have his ticket (I hope he get’s a percentage!).

Joke of the day: none

Guest Speaker: Sandy and Debbie gave us a brief overview of the new Needham Community Council building, followed by tours. It really is wonderful! Such an improvement.

Next Meeting: 

 Tuesday, March 5-Tom Stirling, Stirling Technologies: SEO of web sites
-Tuesday March 17-Meet at Wingate for lunch then deliver flowers to care facilities.
-Tuesday March 24-Ellie Sonis-‘Close to Home’ Board Chair, Prevention of Domestic Violence