Weekly Rotary Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantFeb. 12, 2025 12:00 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantFeb. 19, 2025 12:00 p.m.
Spaghetti Supper
330 King StreetFeb. 22, 2025
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. -
Weekly Rotary Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantFeb. 26, 2025 12:00 p.m.
Weekly Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantMar. 05, 2025 5:30 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantMar. 12, 2025 12:00 p.m.
Weekly Rotary Meeting
Il Forno's RestaurantMar. 26, 2025 12:00 p.m.
President 2024-2025
President Elect, 2025-2026
Vice President, 2024-2025
Immediate Past President
Sgt. at Arms
Foundation Chair
Membership Chair
Public Relations Chair
RYLA Chair
Member at large
Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back.
The Rotary Club of Littleton
Thanksgiving Food Drive

The Rotary Club of Littleton is having a food drive to benefit Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry
The pantry is requesting the following items to support the Thanksgiving collection:
Cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, broth, cake mixes and frosting and crackers
The everyday most needed items include: Ensure and Glucerna, coffee, tea (not K cups), albacore tuna, condiments, jelly and jams, baking mixes, Helpers (hamburger, tuna, dry potatoes), snacks, hearty soups, flavored rice, canned pasta (spaghetti O’s etc)
Poise: #1, 2, 4 and 5, Depends (unisex) S, M, L, and XL, Diapers size 3, 4, and 6
Any questions please contact Denise Moniz, President of the Rotary Club of Littleton
Check us out on the web Rotary Club of Littleton MA or our Facebook Page: Rotary Club of Littleton, Mass (there’s two – this is the active account)
Donation drop boxes can be found at Seasons Insurance 510 King Street Ste 1, Cowley Associates 319 Great Road, Edward Jones 222 Great Road Ste 8, Littleton Police Department 500 Great Road and Denise Moniz, President 163 King Street.
The Rotary Club of Littleton's annual Appleman Triathlon is being held on July 21, and we're celebrating our 20th Anniversary. Come join us!
Over the last 20 years the Rotary Club has raised tens of thousands of dollars from this event alone, donationg 100% of the net profits from this race (and every other Rotary fundraiser) to worthy causes, such as beds for children who don't already have one ("Deb's Beds), blanket collection for the Lowell Transitional Center, toiletry kits for clients of Loaves & Fishes, scholarships for Littleton students, and emergency funding for the repair of the Littleton VFW’s heating system. The list goes on and on. It's only possible for us to help these worthy organizations by contributing to or participating in (as a volunteer or athlete) events like the Triathlon.
The 20th Annual Appleman Triathlon will start and end at Long Lake Park in Littleton on Sunday, July 21, between 8 a.m. and noon. We expect to see local and State politicians, 500 participants, at least 120 volunteers, and many of the racers’ friends and families. We will be updating news about the Appleman and its sponsors on this website, the Appleman Triathlon website, in print, on Facebook and on-line event listings, and on signs and banners around town.
Go to https://www.trisignup.com/Race/MA/Littleton/ApplemanTriathlonDuathlonAquaBike to register to participate in the Triathlon or get more detailed information about the race itself. Stay tuned for a direct link to volunteer at the Appleman on SignUp Genius, and more news about our sponsors and participants. We need many hands to make this a safe and profitable event!
Our goal is to raise $50,000 this year to help those in need. Help us make this goal by participating in the Triathlon however you can.
Our Club held its weekly meeting at Il Forno restaurant and enjoyed lunch and lively discussion about
upcoming events (the new Carnival, AppleMan Triathlon) as well as the exciting growth in our
membership numbers.
The Rotary Club of Littleton, MA is proud to introduce our first annual Summer Kick-Off Carnival in Littleton from June 20-June 23. The Carnival is being produced by Fiesta Shows, and offers the latest and newest in rides and games. Food will be available from several vendors, starting with a Sal’s Pizza Food Truck. Entertainment during the weekend will be DJ’d music as well as live music, a karaoke night, and a magic show for the kids (young and old) on Sunday. The Rotary Club will also have a Beer Garden at the Carnival for visitors 21+ years of age and older.
The Carnival will take place near Littleton Common, in the parking lot of the former IBM building off of Great Road. Carnival hours are Thursday, June 20, from 6 PM-10 PM; Friday, June 21, from 6 PM -11 PM; Saturday, June 22, from 1 PM–11 PM; and Sunday, June 23, from 1 PM-9 PM.
The Rotary Club of Littleton will have a table at the Carnival to register participants and volunteers for the Appleman Triathlon (on July 21). Stop by to meet some of the Littleton Rotarians, see what Rotary is about, learn how to become a Rotarian, and look at what the Club has done to help others over the past year. This is a great family event, with something for everyone. Please help us spread the word before the Carnival, and stop by our table when you’re there to say hello!
Proceeds from this event will benefit Littleton’s TREAD (Tax Reduction for the Elderly and Disabled) Program and other local non-profits.
For more information, contact Chris Alphen, Club President, at chris@debsbeds.org.
Just the look on this little guy's face tells the story of what a difference Deb's Beds make in the world. Before this, he had no bed to sleep in, and had to sleep on the floor or on his clothes. Deb's Beds changed all that.
Chris Alphen, President of the Rotary Club of Littleton, started Deb's Beds, an organization dedicated to providing comfortable furniture for children to sleep on. Using his own warehouse or large spaces provided by local businesses or civic groups, he organizes regular bed-building events to help kids like this one. The materials are financed by funding from grants, other Rotary Clubs, religious and non-sectarian organizations, local companies, and individual donors. The labor is provided by volunteers - Rotarians, scouts and students, seniors and teens, employees from local companies, firefighters and police, and friends and neighbors who just want to help. When the individual pieces of the bed have been assembled, Chris and members of his team deliver the beds, a new mattress, and bedding to the family's home and complete the assembly of the beds there. Under Chris's leadership dozens of beds are delivered after each bed-building event. Chris is the epitome of a Rotarian - a true example of Service Above Self. No child deserves to sleep on the floor, and Chris wants to make sure that doesn't happen.
Immediate past-president Lehel Reeves presents a check for $1,000 to Rotarian Gino Frattallone for the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Arizona where Gino visits often. The gift will provide meals for those who might otherwise go hungry.

Maria Nephew, AVP Virtual Banking Manager at Main Street Bank is pictured with club president Glen Hall. Maria gave the members of the club an overview of Main Street Bank's virtual banking services.

Incoming president Glen Hall presents outgoing president Lehel Reeves with a ceremonial bell in thanks for his service to the club.

Thank you to all of our sponsors and volunteers for making the 2022 Appleman Triathlon a success. Thank you to the 292 participants who entered this year's event across the 4 categories. A great job by Dave Breeden and New England Timing to support the event and provide timely finish line results for the awards ceremony. With your help the Rotary Club of Littleton will be able to help those in need and the organizations that provide support and assistance to our most vulnerable citizens. Our sincere appreciation to all of you and to the lively and engaged spectators along the route and at the beach. We hope to see you all back again next year.

LELWD Assistant General Manager Dave Ketchen and Operations Manager Patrick Laverty shown with outgoing president Lehel Reeves at the June 29th club meeting. Dave and Patrick spoke to the club about the Town's planned sewer system scheduled to start in the Spring of 2023 and the level of State funding expected to support the project.
The Rotary Club of Littleton was at the June 3rd Thursday at Fay Park to provide information on club membership, the Community Corps and the upcoming Appleman Triathlon on July 17 at Long Lake.

Join the Rotary Club of Littleton for 3rd Thursday on June 16th at Fay Park in Littleton. Learn about Rotary and our local Community Corps. Sign up to volunteer for Appleman 2022 and consider joining the Community Corps or the Rotary Club of Littleton. Rotary depends on volunteers to provide necessary services to the local community and donations to support our giving programs.

Amanda Alphen spoke at the weekly Club meeting about AHUG (A Hand Up Group) that has recently helped people in the Dominican Republic. Visit their website (https://ahandupgroup.com) for more information. Amanda is shown with Club President Lehel Reeves.
Phil Souza's interview with Barbara McRae about the upcoming Appleman Triathlon and Community Corps is on LCTV's Public Channel, on Video-on-Demand and on YouTube. In addition to the interview being on Barbara's Littleton Common show, they usually pull out the interviews she does and create a separate episode for "Uncommon Interviews". The YouTube link for the Uncommon Interview episode is shown below.
Let me know if you have any problems accessing the video.
Making a Difference Through Service
Littleton, MA 01460
United States of America