Franklin Elementary School
7101 Canal St
Houston, TX 77011
United States of America

For the first time since the pandemic, we are able to open up the event to Rotarians who would like to be present in person to be part of the celebration. 

Franklin Elementary School at 7101 Canal St 77011 will be the host location. Their principal is very excited and will be an enthusiastic participant. 

 We will arrive at approximately 8 am and be finished at 9:30 am.  We will know in a few days how many schools can be included. Last year 28 schools participated in the live broadcast. Vern earned a huge home run and our deepest thanks by sharing the excitement with a generous friend who donated an additional $47,000 to cover the rest of the third grades in HISD. ❤️

All third graders in Franklin will be in one location and will be linked with the students in all other participating schools for parents and friends to watch via TEAMS. You will not need to register for the VIPS a program-but will need to sign in for a badge at the school. 

The price per dictionary has gone up and to get an accurate number delivery to each school, Geovanny will be accepting the shipments and SRO’s (School Resource Officers) will deliver them to each campus. We certainly thank him for leading the charge with logistics and the HISD media department. We will be selecting as many schools as there are funds in order of need. 

Please contact Kathy Fenninger or Monique Johnson-Garner with any questions.