Trunk or Treat at FUMC Quitman's parking lot from 5-7pm
Just a few of the Rotarians at this event.  Many had their own 'trunks' with supplies of candy.
A little slow until ~5:45pm when parents got home from work....and then the rush came.   Lots of kids trying their luck at various games, being awarded candy and getting corn dogs/drinks with music playing for all to hear.  
Lots of cute, terrifying and interesting costumes:  First responders, military, huge dragons/chicken/pig/hippo, lots of Harry Potter, several grim reapers along with zombies. 
One little girl (6-7?) dressed as a zombie, I would have awarded 1st place for best and scariest costume.  Quite an amazing make up and hair treatment.  
Some families (parents and kids) were dressed alike which made it easy to match up parents and kids.
Why no pictures of kids in their costumes?  I will let that be up to their parents if they want their kids' pictures be posted.