Backpack program at QISD Elementary School
Each year, FUMC Quitman leads the charge to fight hunger with our young by seeking area funding to support this program. . 
Quitman Rotary supplies monthly staffing to pickup food at ETFB Tyler and then on a weekly basis packs 'backpacks' during the school year.  A few years ago, we packed about 65 backpacks each week with 4 meals (2 breakfast and 2 afternoon/evening).  Every year, the need has grown and this year (2024-2025) we are at 90+ backpacks each week.  This is not surprising given the statistics:
If you want to help financially, you can donate to:
  • FUMC Quitman Backpack program
  • ETFB  Quitman ISD Backpack Account 1259b
  • Quitman Rotary Club
If you donate to ETFB or Quitman Rotary, please inform FUMC Quitman about your donation (they will double check to make sure the money is credited to their Backpack program account.