Wood County is in the direct path of a total solar eclipse that will occur on April 8, 2024. The Rotary Clubs of District 5830, Area 9 have initiated a "Rotary Eclipse Eyeglass Project" to equip the schoolchildren of our area with special glasses for the safe observation of the eclipse.
map of paths of the 2023 and 2024 eclipses
On the average, total eclipses over the same geographical area occur only once every 375 or so years. This is truly a once in a lifetime event for Wood and the surrounding Counties. We want to be sure that no schoolchild in our area misses this opportunity to safely view the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse from their own backyard.
The Rotary Clubs of Wood County and Big Sandy are bearing the bulk of the cost for the eclipse glasses, but additional donations are needed. Please consider helping us help the children! To make a tax-deductible donation, click HERE or use the QR Code below for the PayPal portal of the Quitman Lake Country Charitable Foundation.  For more information on the project or coming solar eclipse, please visit https://EASTTEXASECLIPSE.COM.
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