Last blood collection for 2024 resulted in 23 units of whole blood!
Quite a few residents from Quitman & Mineola donated blood today including the above Rotarians (and one spouse).
Quitman Rotary Club sets up 4-5 blood drives each year held inside FUMC Quitman.  The indoor facility provides plenty of room for staff as well as donors vs. a bloodmobile.  We have a great group of 'regulars' but also add 7 walk-ins/'first timers' at this donation.  This helps us gain new donors in the area that we can call on for future donations.  The intent is to grow a base group that regardless of vacations or temporary sickness, we can collect 30+ units each time.   Still some work to do.
Since May 2023, we have held 7 blood drives and collected 139 whole blood units.
Next donation event:  January 7, 2025!