Welcome to our club web site. I'm Bill Pyatt, Club President for the 2024-25 Rotary year. Our club was created on January 1, 2021 when the former Wood River and East Alton clubs merged to become the Riverbend East Rotary club. Feel free to browse our newsletters, photo albums and other content you may find of interest. The club also sponsors a Facebook page. You may link to those sites below and to the right. Our club is located on the Illinois side of the St. Louis, Missouri metropolitan area. When you are in the area, please feel free to attend one of our meetings. 

Upcoming Programs
Cindy Reinhardt-Madison County Historical Society
Mar 27, 2025
Program Host-Rick Hooks
Sleep in Heavenly Peace Work Day
May 29, 2025 12:00 PM
Off Site Meeting - 12:00 - 3:00 PM
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Patti Anderson
    February 3
  • Mark Speciale
    February 4
  • Virgil Moore
    February 8
  • Scott Levan
    February 24
  • Erin Phillips
    February 25
  • Glenn Breuklander
    February 27
Spouse/Partner Birthdays:
  • Christine Hoover
    February 5
Join Date:
  • Jean Kainz
    February 2, 2009
    16 years
  • George Tyler
    February 7, 1972
    53 years
  • Sandy Shaw
    February 20, 2014
    11 years
  • Sherry Tite
    February 20, 2014
    11 years
  • Chris Herzog
    February 22, 2007
    18 years
  • Robin Karpan
    February 25, 2019
    6 years
We meet In Person
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
101 Eastgate Shopping Center
East Alton, IL 62024
United States of America
(618) 259-7522
(618) 259-7614
Our Mailing address:
POB 56
East Alton,IL 62024-0056
Upcoming Events
Home Page Stories
Wieland Group representatives Mike Roth and Jeff Byrd talk about the almost $600M modernization and expansion of their East Alton brass facility scheduled for completion in 2028.
We viewed a Zoom presentation from Eswatini, Africa about their national health plan. Our club, in partnership with a couple of Eswatini clubs, are putting together a Rotary International proposal to fund/build a health clinic.
Retired Air Force Colonel Dave Boots was on hand to talk about his military career and explain his current position at Scott Air Force Base providing the Air Force with global logistics support.
We welcomed Lynn Engelman, President of the Wood River Heritage Council. She spoke about the historical Vaughn Hill Cemetery.
Member Paul Hoover reviews and shares and his insight on the book Good Energy by Casey Means MD.
Transformation Coach Tara Hurst joined us to talk about taking charge of our lives and becoming the best person we can be. Tara can be reached via Facebook, coachtarahurst@gmail.com and 618.823.3309.
The Alton chapter of Sleep In Heavenly Peace Co-President Dave Hardwick joined us to talk about the program that provides beds to children who have none. The chapter recently installed it's 1000th bed since its founding in 2020. For more information visit http://SHPbeds.org
Club foundation board president Joe silkwood shared information about plans to support community projects via a $15k per project donation.
Glenn Breuklander talks about the recent visit he and immediate past president Rodney Durr made to Eswatini Africa to assess a possible Rotary medical clinic project.
Club member Sherry Tite talks abut the recent makeover experience of her Airliner Bar & Grill by the Bar Rescue TV team.
Jamie Heilman, a member of the Elias, Kallal & Schaaf Funeral Home staff, was on hand to talk about prefunding funeral expenses and organizing your personal information to help minimize the stress on your family after your death.
 2024 Business of the Year Werts Welding & Tank Services, owner Dwight Werts, gave us the history of the business which his father started in 1957. They now hav  eight locations reaching from Billings, MT to Tampa, FL.
Jessica Levan, a Soil Conservationist with NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service), was on hand to tell us about the wide range of services offered by her agency. NRCS is an agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Karen Boyd, an Oncology Navigator with the Moeller Cancer Center on the campus of OSF HealthCare in Alton, joined us to talk about some of the programs that are offered by the Cancer Center and HealthCare units.
BJC Alton Memorial Hospital representatives Rusty Ingram, Director of Business Development and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Laura Barton, joined us to talk about recent developments at the hospital campus.
We were joined by Roxana School District  Superintendent Deb Kreutzrager. She made a slide show presentation that addressed all the good things that the Roxana school "family" are accomplishing and the issues than can impact the life of a school dropout.
On Thursday we welcomed Illinois State Senator Erica Harriss. After briefly sharing her personal backstory, she covered some of the highlights of the recently concluded legislative session where 456 bills were passed.
We were joined by Melissa Erker, Director of Government & Community Relations, at the Phillips 66 refinery. She told us about recent activity at the refinery and answered a few questions. 
Newly appointed Wood Rover Parks & Recreation Director Pat Minogue joined us to talk about the park district and its new recreation center. It's off to a great start. Find out about it via this link  http://www.wrparks.org
RiverBend Growth Association (RBGA) Member Engagement Director Stefanie Withers joined us to talk about the RBGA sponsored Young Adult Committee program. She was joined by local high school seniors Emily and Josh.
We viewed a live video feed from Skhumbuzo Mbuyisa-Mbuluzi, President-Elect of the Mbabane, Swaziland Rotary Club, speaking about the potential partnership medical project.

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Club Officers
President Elect
Community Service
Club Service
Sergeant Arms
Club Foundation President
Club Foundation Treasurer
Intrernational Service
Newsletter Editor
Vocational Service
Immediate Past President

Active Paul Harris Fellows

Mark Allison
Patti Anderson
David Ayers
Pat Boyle
Rod Croxford
Rodney Durr
Cory Gallivan
Paul Guccione
Allen Hale
Chris Herzog
Rick Hooks
Paul Hoover
Jean Kainz
Donna Karpan
Michael Kelly
Scott Levan
George Moore
Virgil Moore
Tommie Myers
Lori Palmer
John Pearson
Erin Phillips
Brad Pulaski
Bill Pyatt
Wendell Ross
Joe Silkwood
Mark Smith
Mark Speciale
Henry Studnicki
George Tyler
Mark Vaughn
Alana Yount