Rotary rewards volunteers
Thanks to the generosity of Andrew Malouf from Westside Talent, Rotary was able to treat 10 volunteers from Community house to a night at the Nautilus Theatre to see the Seekers story.  Community house chose volunteers that have committed time in the Men’s Group, Free Community Meal, Op Shop, Fundraising events and Tai Chi. Without the efforts from these volunteers many of these programs wouldn’t be able to be offered to the broader community. The show on Tuesday night was thoroughly enjoyed by all 10 volunteers with many so grateful as normally they would not be able to afford to attend such a performance. This donation of tickets offered to volunteers has be aligned with the upcoming National Volunteers Week which will be celebrated by many.
From left to right
Linda Bick, Rowena Derrick, Ivan Derrick, Helen McCarthy, Raelene Kenney, Rose Glayde,
Olwin Newton, Heather Brock