Location: Bartlett Country Club, noon
Meeting Presider:  President Barb Lias
Prayer: Rotarian Mary Kay
Pledge: Jim Gulnac
50/50 Raffle: $10  Winner – Margie - She put it back in the pot! TY!
Fines:  Al collected happy dollars and fivers from: Sandy (went to the Derby), Barb ($5 for vacation & $5 for an announcement about the Olean City Schools Foundation Derby/Fund Raiser), Eric ($5 back to Dennis who paid for his birthday song, $5+ for missed meetings, $5 for COmmunity Bank named #3 nationally for financial performance), Mary Kay ($5 for announcement for guests about the many projects the club supports. Be proud of Rotary!), Carl ($5 for announcement about LIKES and SHARES on Facebook to promote our May 23 event AND a $5 pitch for member opportunity to serve at St Bonaventure on June 9-10-11 when the Remote Area Medical event happens for under-insured and uninsured to get dental and other medical help. Volunteer form and RAM info emailed to members separately. ) THANKS ALL! Guests DO NOT pay fines!
Club business:
> Welcome back President Barb from some scary surgery! She appreciated the flowers and prayers.
>Members assisted with introducing guests. We had LOTS today! YAY!
> Board meeting today after meeting (An electronic vote was taken between meetings and a $100 donation to the YMCA annual fund was approved by more than the needed quorum. It matches previous year donations.)
>MK noted that Brittany brought the flower orders, money & forms for the May 19 event/fund raiser supporting the Neighborhood School of Dance. A separate email will go out reminding members of their commitments to help and what others unable to volunteer that night could do instead.
>Martina brought Italian bread to share! TY
>MK attended a District Training event last Saturday, May 6 in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. Martina went along the night before to see the falls under lights at night, have dinner with MK on Friday and attended the training. Great trip!
>May 23 SILENT AUCTION FOR THE SILENT POLICEMAN. Sandy is coordinating details & sign-ups for the needed jobs that day. She is also coordinating the Auction donation items. Members send picture and donation form with completed details to Sandy or Patti. Special detail planning meeting at noon on Wed, May 9 in Patti's office at Southern Tier Realty on North Union - with PIZZA! Patti emphasized the need for poster distribution and ticket sales! ALL HANDS ON DECK! Every member needs to commit to 4-5 hours of Rotary work this week. (Some of are getting those hours in daily! We may need naps or wine! lol)
Dates & Details See calendar of speakers and events.
4 Way Test to close the meeting: All.
Adjournment:  1:05 pm