Posted on Jan 16, 2018
Members Present: Parker Suddeth, Al Wagner, Joe Higgins, Doug Price, Jeri Fedora, Lindsey Horn, Elena Bombedier, Sue Payne, Marjorie Shaumafell, Patti Gulnac, Barb Lias, Jody Spears.  Prayer was lead by Barb and pledge was lead by Al.
Jody introduced Jeff Andriano who introduced Thomas Baker who gave an overview of the Audio Visual Production program at BOCES. He also introduced Natalie Salvo and Eli Hendricks who are both in the  New Visions Program and gave us information on that program also through BOCES. Natalie ad Eli also informed us about Olean interacts recycling project and their interest in becoming involved in one of the international Rotary programs.
Doug Price motioned that we use our matching grant to help the Community Gardens of the Olean Food Pantry and Barb Lias seconded the motion was carried. Work will begin on the paper work required to receive the grant and help build the high tunnels for the Gardens.