Dec 14, 2017
Mr. Terry Francis - ZB
Post Polio - What's it Like?


Original Invite (8/16):


I understand you have spoken to other Rotary Clubs regarding Post Polio.  Given how close we are to eradicating polio, this topic might be very appropriate at this time.  We meet at noon on Thursdays at the Lone Tree Golf and Hotel. 
We have a relatively busy speaker schedule over the coming months.  The following dates are available over the coming months; 12/14/17, 1/11/18, and 2/8/18.  Please let me know your interest, your chosen date, a short bio, and a 'catchey' title for your presentation.
His Response:
Any of these dates would work.  Included a draft of the presentation that I have given.  It is focused on Post Polio problems rather than the progress that we have made in Rotary on prevention of Polio.  If this is off topic in terms of your expectation.  No Problem.