Lowell Rotary Scholarships


The Rotary Club of Lowell Community Foundation was established in 2000 to provide college scholarships to graduating seniors who live in the Lowell Area School District or attend Lowell High School.Scholarships are centered on the Rotary motto, Service Above Self. Along with an application, students are asked to submit an essay describing their volunteer activities; who was served and how the experiences have impacted their life. They should include all school and non-school service-related activities like student government, sports, choir, clubs, church, work, etc. The Foundation currently awards 12 scholarships annually.

Scholarship Descriptions:

Eligibility Requirements: Graduating Senior from Lowell High School or any graduating senior living in the Lowell Area School District and attending any public, private, charter or home based school.
  • Hahn/Rotary Club of Lowell Scholarship — $1,000, renewable for four years
  • King & Marie Doyle Family Scholarship – Five $1,000 scholarships available, each renewable for four years
  • Dorothy & Clinton Christoff Family Scholarship — $1,000, renewable for four years for a student attending Cornerstone University
  • Eva & Lee Lampkin Scholarship — $1,000, renewable for four years.
  • Jim & Bobbie White Family Scholarship – $500, renewable for three years for a student enrolled in an education degree program
  • Donald & Ellura McPherson Scholarship – Two $500 scholarships available, each renewable for two years for students attending Grand Rapids Community College
  • Betsy Davidson Memorial Scholarship (IT/Computer Science)  - This $1,000 scholarship is renewable for four years and will be awarded to a student pursuing an education in IT or computer science
  • Betsy Davidson Memorial Scholarship (Trade School)This one-year $2,000 scholarship will be awarded to a student attending a trade or technical school
Since it first launched its scholarship program in 1997, the Rotary Club of Lowell has awarded more than 110 scholarships totaling more than $320,000.
Scholarship applications can be found in the following locations:
  • Lowell High School guidance office
  • Lowell and Alto branches of Kent District Library
  • Lowell Rotary website under the “Downloads” section of the home page.
All applications must be submitted to the LHS guidance office or postmarked by 3rd Friday in March.  No handwritten applications will be accepted this year.  The application is fill in the blank, then print, sign, & submit.  Thank you!
Please contact us by email at info@lowellrotary.org with questions.