Code of Policies
Code of Policies
This Code of Policies contains the more changeable practices under which the ROTARY CLUB OF GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO, INC. (“Club”) wishes to operate. This Club's policies are subject to all policies promulgated by RI and the District. These higher-level policies control if a conflict exists.  Committees/other work groups, are encouraged to maintain operating exhibits in support of this Code of Policies and Rotary policies. As appropriate, Rotary policies may be referenced. To increase their continuity and longevity, it is recommended that Committee/ work group Chairs get appropriate exhibits signed by the club’s President and President Elect. [rev. 11-8-23]
Element 1: Definitions
All relevant definitions are contained in the Bylaws, Article 1. The only exception may be temporary or interim definitions contained here while the term and definition is being tested, or awaiting Bylaw revision. Upon Bylaw incorporation, the definition is deleted from this Element.
Paragraph 1. Qualifications and Election for Membership
Prospective new members should attend a minimum of three club meetings prior to being extended an invitation to join by a sponsoring member. This may be waived in cases of former or transferring Rotary Club members (see below).
Paragraph 1-A. The name of a prospective/proposed member will be forwarded by an active member to the Membership Committee in writing, through the Club Secretary. The proposal shall be kept confidential except as otherwise provided herein.
Paragraph 1-B. The Membership Committee will examine the proposed member's qualifications and compliance with the standard Rotary Club Constitution to ensure that the proposal meets all membership requirements.
Paragraph 1-C. The Membership Committee will complete its examination within forty (40) days of submission, and notify the Board of its results.
Paragraph 1-D. Upon favorable decision of the Board, the prospective member will be requested by the sponsoring member to sign the membership proposal form and permit their name and proposed classification to be published to the Club.
Paragraph 1-E. If no written objection (stating reasons), is received by the Membership Committee from any active member within seven (7) days following publication of information about the prospective member, that person will be extended an invitation to join the Club, by the Secretary.
Paragraph 1-F. If any objection is filed with the Board, it will be voted on at the next Board meeting. If approved, the proposed member will be extended an invitation to join the club as above. If the Board does not approve, the proposed member will be notified by the Secretary and may not be propose to this club again for a period of one (1) year.
Paragraph 1-G. Upon payment of the admission fees (if not honorary membership), as prescribed, the person will be considered elected to Club membership and in good standing.
Paragraph 1-H. The President/Secretary will arrange for the new member's induction, membership card, and new member Rotary literature.
Paragraph 1-I. The President/Secretary will report the new member information to Rotary International.
Paragraph 1-J. Mentoring. The President will assign a mentoring member to assist with the new member's assimilation to the Club, and assign the new member to a Club project or function. The Mentoring member will assist the new member with advice on achieving all requirements for a full active member and stripping of the provisionary red badge, and other mentoring as may be needed and appropriate.
 Paragraph 1-K. Transferring. All members in good standing are entitled to a Letter of Reference upon leaving this club for any reason. As desired by the leaving member, the Letter of Reference may be addressed to any/all Rotary Club(s) in the area to which the member is locating. Said Letter will enumerate that the member left this club in good standing and recommend the person as a member of the potential new club(s). [rev. 8-9-23]
 Paragraph 1-L. Receipt of Letter of Reference. Upon receipt of any Letter of Reference/Referral, stating that a Rotarian left another club in good standing, this club’s Board of Directors shall consider the transferring Rotarian for immediate membership in this club, subject only to ‘new member’ requirements at the time, and payment of dues and fees. [rev. 8-9-23]
Paragraph 2. Active Membership Categories (see also Bylaws, Article 2, Section 2)
Paragraph 2-A. Senior Active.  Senior active members are excused from attendance requirements and are required only to pay for meals at meetings they attend, in addition to regular membership dues.
Paragraph 2-B. Corporate Membership. A corporation, business, non-profit or government entity can enjoy the benefits of Rotary, while increasing this Club’s network and visibility in the community. This category provides members access to the fellowship and service opportunities with the possibility of a much smaller time commitment. Corporations can thus take part in projects that give back to the community through Rotary’s well-organized structure. The designated member must meet the requirements of Club Bylaws, Article 2, Section 1.
Paragraph 2-B.1. Qualifications. The employees of any business (for-profit and non-profit) are eligible for corporate membership.
Paragraph 2-B.2. Members. Subject to Rotary requirements for active members, and approval of the Club’s Board, the business designates employees to serve as members of this club and may appoint up to four (4) people to be primary members or alternates.
Paragraph 2-B.3. Attendance. Attendance and participation requirements of the Club may be met by any of the members. All members (primary and alternates) are entitled to attend any regular meeting of the Club or any other Rotary Club.
Paragraph 2-B.4. Dues. Dues will comply with RI requirements; for the corporation, dues are paid annually July 1st of the fiscal year. If a corporate membership begins mid fiscal year, the dues will be prorated as needed. Should more than one corporate member attend the same Rotary meeting, the additional members will be required to cover the cost of their meals.
Paragraph 2-B.5. RI registration. Primary corporate members for whom RI dues have been paid are registered as active members in Rotary’s database. They will be listed as official members of the Club and noted in the roster as primary corporate members of the named business. Alternate corporate members for whom RI dues have not been paid are not listed on the club roster in Rotary’s database.
Paragraph 2-B.6. Votes and quorum. For the purpose of general meetings and club matters, the primary corporate member is eligible to vote. Since the corporation has one primary member that is reported as an active, RI dues-paying member, it will have only one vote which will be made by the designee attending the meeting at which the vote is taken.
Paragraph 2-B.7. Holding office. Any RI and District dues-paying member listed in Rotary’s database, which includes the primary corporate member, is eligible to hold office. Alternates who do not pay RI dues are not eligible.
Paragraph 2-C. Evening Group Member. Members must meet the requirements of Club Bylaws, Article 2, Section 1, pay local and national Rotary dues, and must attend a minimum of two (2) meetings per month to be considered in good standing. Additional requirements to maintain membership are maintained by the Evening Group, separate from these Code of Policies.
Paragraph 3. Honorary Membership. The Board may confer, in accordance with the RI constitution and Club Bylaws, honorary membership on deserving persons.
Paragraph 4. Diverse Club Membership.   The club’s membership should represent a cross-section of the businesses, professions, occupations, and civic organizations in the Grand Valley communities, including age, gender and ethnic diversity.
Paragraph 5. Member Responsibilities
Paragraph 5-A. Attendance. To fully reap the benefits of Rotary membership, individuals are encouraged to maintain regular meeting attendance. When this is not possible, individuals may make up for absences by attending: committee meeting(s), other Rotary Club meeting(s) Evening Group Meeting(s), Board Meeting(s), service project(s), and/or other Rotary-sponsored events.
Paragraph 5-B. Leaves of Absence. Upon written application to the Board, setting forth good and sufficient cause, a leave of absence may be granted excusing a member from attending club meetings. Leave of absence status prevents a forfeiture of membership, and provides an exemption from meal charges, but not from dues, Rotary Foundation and other special assessments.
Paragraph 5-B.1 The leave of absence should be for at least three (3) months and not exceed one (1) year. The request should be submitted thirty (30) days before a Board meeting.
Paragraph 5-B.2 A medical leave of absence should be considered separately from these requirements and on a case-by-case basis.
Paragraph 5-B.3 Leaves of absence may be extended one time by the Board in its discretion.
Paragraph 6. Removal. The Board may, at its discretion, resolve to remove a member for failure to comply with any provision(s) of RI or this Club. Removal cause(s) will be made available to the membership in the Board’s minutes. Removal causes include non-payment of dues, defined as being more than two (2) Quarters in arrears (see also Element 4: Dues, Fees & Finances).
Removal process for non-payment of Dues [rev. 4-10-24]:
Paragraph 6-A. When a member is one (1) Quarter in arrears, the Membership Committee is notified and will make a personal contact.
Paragraph 6-B. When a member is two (2) Quarters in arrears and has not attempted to arrange payment with the Treasurer, the person will receive a letter from the Treasurer communicating the Boards’ intent to revoke or suspend the person’s membership and attendant privileges. This is automatic unless the Board discovers/has just cause to override this policy. Just cause must be approved by majority of Board and recorded in minutes.
Paragraph 6-C. Absent such communication within two weeks of the above letter, a second letter from the Treasurer will communicate that the person’s membership is revoked as of the date of the letter, and will state that the Club will welcome the person back when they get current with dues and fees.
Paragraph 6-D. Under no circumstances may the Club carry any individual for three (3) Quarters without payment of dues, or a Treasurer-approved payment plan and receipt of the first payment.
Paragraph 7. Member Induction. New member(s) will be formally introduced to the membership at a regularly scheduled membership meeting, following completion of all requirements for membership. The induction ceremony is open to the discretion of the presiding official, provided that all new members are presented with a Rotary information packet, the content of which may change from time to time, but should contain at a minimum: a) Club name badge, b) local Club directory, c) information about Rotary.
Paragraph 8. Past Presidents from other Rotary Clubs are eligible to hold any office, including that of President, in this Club, so that this Club might benefit from their experience and gain perspectives from other club(s).
Paragraph 9. A Past President may stand as candidate for President provided that person takes a one-year Leave of Absence from the Past Presidents group prior to candidacy and continues that Leave of Absence throughout their term from President-Elect Nominee to President.
Element 3: Member Meetings 
Paragraph 1. Regular meetings (also called “Speaker Meetings”). An Order of Business is subject to the exigencies of each weekly meeting and the discretion of the presiding official. Regular weekly meetings should follow an agenda similar to:
Call to Order
Words of Inspiration/Invocation
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Visitors and Guests
(Speaker’s) Program
4-Way Test
Paragraph 1-A. Speakers and their programs must be [rev. 9-13-23]:                      
1-A.1. Apolitical: Take an unbiased position in regard to political matters; and remain politically neutral, unbiased, non-aligned, and free from party politics in their presentation;
1-A.2. AND Non-religious: May reference specific higher power(s) as part of a spiritual/inspirational presentation without any attempt to persuade, convert or indoctrinate listeners to a particular religion or sect;
1-A.3. AND abide by Rotary’s ethical standards.
Paragraph 2. Club Business Meetings. As appropriate, the Club desires to dedicate one meeting each quarter to an aspect of the Club’s Rotary business.
Element 4: Dues, Fees & Finances. The Board shall periodically review member accounts that are more than 60 days in arrears and take such action as may be appropriate under this Code of Policies (see Element 2: Membership, Paragraph 6. Removal).
Paragraph 1. Dues and Fees Amounts. All Dues, regardless of category (below), will be $78. per Quarter, effective January 1, 2024 [rev. 8-9-23]
Paragraph 1-A: Noon Group, Active Member:
One-time $100 induction fee
Meals: flat rate based on rate charged by venue
Paragraph 1-B: Noon Group, Senior Active ("Rule of 85"):
Same as Active member, except:
Meals: only when attending a noon meeting
Paragraph 1-C: Evening Group: 
One-time $50 induction fee 
Meals: charged for attending noon venue; per venue charges 
Paragraph 1-D: For-Profit Corporate Membership:
One-time $150 induction fee
For-Profit Annual Fee $500
$40./quarter donation to GJ Rotary Foundation 
Paragraph 1-E: Non-Profit Corporate Membership: 
One-time $150 induction fee
$40./quarter donation to GJ Rotary Foundation 
Meals: as charged by venue (above), per each individual attending
Paragraph 2. Special arrangements. Special fee arrangements for past service members, clergy and members in other special categories are determined by the Board.
Paragraph 3. Committing Club Funds. A Board resolution to commit Club funds must be made and passed prior to committing any Club funds, including local Rotary Foundation funds.
Paragraph 3-A. Such resolutions, if offered at a Club meeting, will be referred, without discussion, to the Board. Upon review, the Board will submit its recommendations to the Club. The Club may then take such action as deemed proper by vote.
Paragraph 3-B. Charitable appeals or other subscription made to the Club should conform to the following: No disbursement of Club funds, except disbursements sanctioned in the Club’s Annual Budget, shall be made unless such disbursement has been approved by the Board.
Element 5: Committees. Committees are charged with carrying out the annual and long-range goals of the Club based on the Five Avenues of Service.
Paragraph 1. Appointments. The President has discretionary power to appoint committees and other groups consistent with the Bylaws and this Code of Policies.
Paragraph 2. Committee Makeup and Responsibilities. The duties of all committees and work groups are established and reviewed by the President each year. Duties include all appropriate Rotary International references. Committees have specific mandates, clearly defined goals, and action plans established by the beginning of each year.
Paragraph 2-A. The President-Elect will provide the necessary leadership to prepare recommendations for Club committees, mandates, goals, and plans, for presentation to the Board. Additionally, (s)he is responsible for appointing committee members to fill vacancies, appointing committee chairs and conducting planning meetings prior to the start of the year in office.
Paragraph 2-B. Members should be appointed for a minimum of three years to ensure consistency. It is recommended that the chair have previous experience as a member of the committee.
Paragraph 2-C. The President-Elect or Immediate Past President is an ex officio member of committees, unless otherwise specified by the appointing authority.
Paragraph 2-D. Committee chairs are responsible for regular meetings and activities of the committee, supervision and coordination of work, and reports to the Board on significant activities.
Paragraph 2-E. Committees will transact business as enumerated by RI, this Club, and as delegated by the President or the Board.
Paragraph 2-F. Committee Meetings are announced one (1) week in advance, at a membership meeting and/or in Club Communications media as appropriate. The meeting may also be announced to the membership the week of the meeting if possible. Ad hoc and Task Group meetings are not bound by this requirement.
Paragraph 2-G. Except where special authority is given by the President/Board, committees will take no action until a report has been made and approved by the Board.
Paragraph 2-H. Committees will submit summary reports to the Secretary for posting in Club Communications media.
Paragraph 3. Nominating Committee. The Club will maintain a Nominating Committee according to Bylaws Article #6, Section 3. Said committee should ensure continuous membership awareness of upcoming Board vacancies, requirements for filling vacancies, and encouraging applications for potential vacancies. 
Paragraph 4. Service Committee – additional guidance: (see Bylaws Article #5, Section 2, Subsection C). The committee will additionally consider vocational service, community service and international service avenues when developing plans.
Paragraph 5. Ad hoc Committees.  Additional ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President as needed, consistent with this Code of Policies. This club chooses to develop and maintain a Youth Committee with the duties and responsibilities outlined by RI.
Paragraph 6. Task Groups. Task Groups are assigned to complete a particular task (single or reoccurring) as defined in a task directive. It is suggested that the task directive be written to avoid confusion, signed, and dated by the President. Upon completion of the task to the satisfaction of the Board, the task group is typically dissolved by the President, absent any special circumstances as may be determined by the appointing authority.
Paragraph 7. Advisory Groups.  Advisory Groups are appointed by the President and serve as needed/desired and defined. Advisory Groups may be dissolved by the President when no longer needed/desired, provided that the Board has no objection.
Element 6: Board of Directors 
Paragraph 1. Number, Tenure, Requirements and Qualifications for Board of Directors
                        (HOLD for possible Future Use)
Paragraph 2. Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Board will be filled by a Club member selected and approved by the Board. A vacancy so filled will be for the remaining term of the vacating Board member.
Paragraph 3. Board of Director Elections. The following Board positions do not appear on the ballot: Evening Group representative and Past Presidents representative (see Bylaws, Article #6).  (see also: Element 5, Paragraph 3 Nominating Committee of this Code of Policies)
Paragraph 4. Assuming Office. Elected officers will take office on July 1 in the year following the annual membership meeting and assume the duties of their respective offices.
Paragraph 4-A. Public installation of new officers will be at the first regular membership meeting in July of that year.
Paragraph 4-B. The President will give assignments to the new At-large Directors, with their approval. At-large Directors will be assigned responsibility for one of the following functions:
Club Administration,
Community Service,
Public Relations,
Membership Development,
Service Projects, and/or
Rotary Foundation.
Paragraph 5. Ex officio and Committee Appointments. At the new officer’s first Board meeting, the new President may appoint a Sergeant-At-Arms and/or other ex officio offices (duties to be enumerated) and Committee Chairpersons, as desired for effective and efficient operation of the Club, and according to the President’s leadership needs. Said offices and chairpersons will be ratified by the Board of Directors.
Paragraph 6. Secretary/Treasurer Compensation. The Board will annually review and set the compensation of the Secretary and the Treasurer, and anyone else providing ongoing services to the Club.
Paragraph 7. Conflicts. All conflicts will be resolved by arbitration as specified in the current standard Rotary Club Constitution.
Paragraph 8. Board Operations. The President presides over Board and Club meetings, and performs such other duties as ordinarily pertain to said office. In the President’s absence, the President will designate the President-Elect or Past President(s) to preside over the meeting(s) and to perform other duties as ordinarily pertain to such office.
Paragraph 8-A. The Secretary will: keep the records of membership and attendance; send out notices of meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors; record and preserve the minutes of such meetings; make the reports required by Rotary International and the District Governor; and perform such other duties as pertain to this office and as required by the Board.
Paragraph 8-B. The Treasurer will: have custody of all funds; account for the same to the Club at its annual meeting and at any other time upon demand by the Board of Directors; and to perform such other duties as pertain to the Treasurer's office.
Paragraph 8-C. Upon approval of the Board, the Secretary and/or Treasurer may delegate specific portions of their duties to a third person, who may or may not be a Club member. Such person shall serve at the pleasure of the Board as an independent contractor, having no Club standing, and be paid as the Board of Directors determines.
Paragraph 8-D. Upon any officer’s retirement or resignation, all funds, books and any other Club property in their possession must be turned over to the President for reassignment.
Paragraph 8-E. The Board operates according to Roberts Rules of Order-Simplified, as may be amended by the Board according to the Bylaws, Article #6, Section 5. They are attached and additionally can be found at
Element 7: Voting
Paragraph 1. In highly unusual circumstances, the Board may authorize and direct voting by any usual and customary means, provided that the voting body (e.g. Board or Membership) is given notice and has a clear understanding of the voting method. This authorization will only be used in the most unusual circumstances.
Paragraph 1-A: Proxy voting is available to members in good standing provided that a written proxy form (see Code of Policies, Exhibit 7-A) is received by the Secretary at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start of the meeting where a vote will be taken. Written proxies may be submitted by any means. [rev. 12-13-23]
Paragraph 2. Committees and other work groups are free to establish their own internal method(s) of establishing consensus.
Element 8: Grants and Service Project Funding [rev. 5-8-24]
A Service Project Funding Committee is established to organize and process all Grants and Service projects submitted for sponsorship to this Club via the Board of Directors. The Committee must vet all Grant requests and will take any and all actions to ensure the best fit for requests and insure that the Club puts the best requests/projects forward.
Paragraph 1: The Committee will consist of 3 to 5 members; it is recommended that one member be from the local Foundation Board. Each member should agree to attend the District’s Grant Writing seminar (on-line or via ZOOM) to serve on the Committee. The Chair will report monthly to the President (or Secretary as directed), at least seven days prior to each Board meeting.
Paragraph 2: The Committee will assign every request to one of the following actions:
  • No Action or Delayed Action (justified to the Board)
  • Action by a partnership coalition (may ultimately require funding action)
  • Action under a new fundraising initiative; with recommended funding source
  • Referred to the Club or Local Foundation for action
  • Developed by the Committee for District Grant submittal
  • Developed by the Committee for Global Grant submittal
Paragraph 3: All grant proposals are recommended by the Chair and approved by the President and President-Elect prior to forwarding to the granting body. Approved Grant requests must include a section on how the project will benefit/acknowledge Rotary.
Paragraph 4: Club’s Board of Directors must budget a minimum of $5,000. in the Annual Budget to be eligible to request District Grants.
Paragraph 5: Failure to comply with all of the above will be grounds for the Chairperson, President, and/or other person of Club authority to inform the Granting authority that said request is not an approved request from this Club.
Exhibit 7-A [rev. 12-13-23]
I hereby assign my proxy to  _____________________________, for the Membership Meeting
(person’s name)                                 
on _____________ (mo/day/year).
Signed: _____________________________             Received: __________________________
                                                                                                            (Rotary Club Secretary)
Date: ________________________                          Date: ___________________
---- End of Code of Policies ----