The total number of meals packed was 13,128. Thanks to all of club members who donate to our club and our foundation and contribute their time and sweat to our flag program thus making it possible for us to be able to do projects to help those in need.


The Rotary Club of University Area Houston's flag program started in the spring of 2007, has been well received. Our Rotary Club places both American and Texas flags in the front yards of our subscribers and while having a beautiful flag in their yards on four patriotic holidays, our subscribers also benefit by helping our Rotary Club raise funds for our various charitable activities. Please click on the HOLIDAY FLAG PROGRAM to go to our special flag website where you can use your credit card when ordering your flags and read about our various charitable programs. (Note--Funds are payable to The University Area Rotary Foundation-a 501(c)3 charitable foundation.) To sign up on line or download a PDF form (CLICK HERE >>FLAG SUBSCRIPTION FORM. We appreciate your participation!