Today’s Goal? Learn One Thing About Social Security
Breakfast isn’t complete without a side order of Social Security chat. Thanks to John Ortolf, the Breakfast Crew enjoyed just that as they kicked off Tuesday morning.
Some quick takeaways about Social Security:
  • When determining your Social Security benefit, they look at the highest 35 years. (If you don’t have 35 years, that’s a lot of zeros!)
  • Social security is based on earned income – not investment income or dividends from business.
  • While you can get benefits based on your own record, you can also get benefits based on your spouse.
If you are simply focused on what you need when you do retire, one Breakfast Crew regular suggests the following – “A married couple will need $2 million to retire if they don’t just want to sit on their porch eating dog food.”
Thank you to John for the incredible presentation. (If you missed breakfast, click here to download Facts and Figures about Social Security 2015.)
In other news:
  • Thanks to everyone who have paid up their dues. Third quarter billing went out. If you haven’t received it, check your filters and/or let John Halderson know.
  • Jim Wagner passed around a sign up for November’s event. All are encouraged to invite someone who may be interested in joining Rotary.
  • John O. shared that Rotary International tracks members signing up on My Rotary. He’ll send an email asking everyone to sign up.
  • Recommended reading – Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach.
See you at breakfast!