On July 10th, the Sunrisers visited the PA Biotechnology Center, near the Doylestown airport. COO Lou Kassa explained that the PABC is a non-profit pharma incubator, with 300 scientists working in about 30 small companies. Since 2006, the exit value of graduated companies is $1.75 Billion and it is considered the most successful incubator in the country.


A common area, the "Idea Cafe", is where more than just coffee is percolating. When scientists from all over the world get together to relax, brainstorming occurs naturally. Rotarians Chris Nardo, Ken Snyder, and Donyale Showers appreciate the creative setting as we tour the facility. Lou Kassa will be speaking at our evening meeting on August 15th.


On July 11th, Barbara Simmons, from The Peace Center in Langhorne, kicked off our 2018-2019 focus on Peace and Conflict Resolution with tips to acknowledge and resolve conflict in the workplace. Her triangle shows win/lose behaviors such as avoidance or confrontation at the bottom and the win/win position to seek at the top. 


Barbara spoke about our emotional cup, illustrating with a glass of water and a pitcher that when it gets full, we can get testy. She lined us up on the wall according to how we behave at work when a conflict arises: avoiders on the left, compromisers in the center, and confronters on the right. Interestingly, our behavior with conflict at home can be the opposite. In both cases, focusing on win/win strategies can lead to a less stressful, more peaceful environments!