Photos by Lindsey Armour Photography.
The Rotary Club of Doylestown turned 100 years old on May 19, 2024, the 100th anniversary of its charter. Members and guests of the club celebrated this occasion on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at the Doylestown Country Club.
The Rotary Club of Doylestown is a local and international service organization with 78 members. The club brings together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities, and in themselves. Rotary club members around the world strengthen their connections to friends and neighbors taking action through service.

The evening started with a Welcome by Club President Helen Amelsberg and was hosted by John Ortolf, Past President.
The club welcomed Rotary District 7430 Governor Diane Donaher, a member of the Bethlehem Rotary Club. Governor Diane congratulated the club and
presented a citation from Gordon R. McInally, the President of Rotary International, congratulating the club for 100 years of Service above Self. Joining her was Area 9 Assistant Governor Kyle Davis of the Newtown Pennsylvania Rotary Club. The Doylestown Rotary Club recognized Governor Danaher and Assistant Governor Davis with Paul Harris Fellow awards for their contributions to the district and the club.
The evening included the debut of a new club history written by club member Edward Denton. Ed took a few minutes to speak about the many interesting pieces of history he learned as he researched the document. The club printed the history in a 20-page color booklet.
The Club then recognized individuals for their service beginning with three people who have been club members for over 50 years.
Nicholas Molloy is a member with 57 years of service including serving as club president in 1976 to 1977. Nick is a Bucks County native who lives in Doylestown Township with his wife Roberta. Nick entered the real estate business in 1959 joining J. Carroll Molloy Realtors as the third generation in a business started by his grandfather in 1916. Nick told the attendees that the most important part of Rotary is the Long-Term personal relationships developed with other club members. Nick spoke about the many projects that the club supported during his tenure including the March of Dimes Walkathon in the early 1970’s. Nick was awarded with a Certificate of Achievement for his many years of service.
Dr William Vantine has been a member of Rotary for 50 years. He and his wife Kathleen were raised in Buffalo, New York where they graduated from State University of NY at Buffalo. Bill graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 1962 and earned his Doctor of Education in 1970. Bill retired as executive director of the Bucks County Intermediate Unit where the William Vantine Leadership Award was established in his honor. Bill believes he is fortunate as a member of Rotary having the opportunity to work with caring people who support the communities’ philanthropic activities.
Also, a member for 50 years is Dr Thomas Kube. Tom is a native Virginian who grew up on a beef cattle farm working with Polled Herefords where he had an early interest in veterinary medicine. After obtaining a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, Tom joined Buckingham Animal Hospital in 1968. In the 1990’s he formed a partnership with Brad. Tom has always been an active member oof the club and his knowledge about Rotary and his keen sense of humor always improve out meetings.
Members recognized for over 40 years of service were William Goldman, (42 yrs.), Richard (Dick) Millham Sr. (40 yrs.), Max Rose (40 yrs.), Dr. Daniel Green, (40 yrs.) and Charles Pianko (40 yrs.).
Members recognized for over 30 years of service were Fred Beans (37 yrs.), J. Christopher Nurney (35 yrs.), District Governor Diane Donaher (35 yrs.), Robert Tessier (32 yrs.).
Members with over 20 years are Gary Funk (26 yrs.), Susan Okun (24 yrs.), Robert Eichfeld (23 yrs.) and Linda McCrillis (20 years).
The club then recognized of multi-generational Rotary families. Leading the pack was The Molloy Family. Nick Molloy joined the club in 1967, his father, J. Carrol Molloy, Jr joined in 1955, and his grandfather J. Carrol Molloy, Sr. was a charter member of the club in 1924 and served as President in 1926-1927.
The Millham Family is currently serving with three generations: Richard (Dick) Milham Sr., Richard (Rick) Milham Jr., and R. Barry Milham III.
Other multi-generational Rotarians are Gail Linenberg, her father E. Robert Powers, and grandfather Everitt Powers, John Ortolf and his daughter Kathryn Ortolf, and Sue Okun and several family members.
Informal recognition was given to club members who are current Paul Harris Fellows, members who were current or past District Officers, current and past Presidents, current Young Professional (40 and under), current and former Exchange Students, and current and former Interact students and their advisors.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of Rotary Foundation Awards by District Governor Diane Donaher. The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is Rotary’s way of expressing its appreciation for substantial contributions to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905.
The following 6 Rotarians received their first Paul Harris Fellow awards in recognition of their many contributions to the club: Steve Adelman,
Suzanne Benda, Dalelyn Colquhoun, Edward Denton, Rosemarie Molyneux, and Lori Roche. The club also recognized 4 Young Professionals for their successful “Voices for the Voiceless” Fundraiser: Pedro Melendez, Barry Millham, Kathryn Ortolf, and Peter Roe.
Ten club members received their second or later Paul Harris Fellows awards. With these additional awards, Rotarians are recognized for their continued support of Rotary and its programs: Rosemarie Molyneux (Second), Shawn Herron (Second), Gene Houck (Second), Robert Tessier (Second and Third), Dick Milham Sr. (Third), William Shoffler, (Fifth), Chris Nurney (Seventh), and for their ninth awards: Allen Childs, Rick Milham Jr, and Charles Pressler.
Paul Harris, Rotary’s founder, said: “He who tries to find the good in others will be rewarded, for others will surely find the good in him. Of all the earth’s sad and lonesome creatures, the most helpless is he who loves not his fellowmen.”
We congratulate all the awardees and thank them for their commitment to the programs of the Rotary Club of Doylestown, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation.
The final event of the evening was the recognition of Rotary Foundation Major Donors. The club has 6 current Major Donors; In addition to previous Level 1 recognition, past Level 2 recognition was received by Robert & Lore Eichfeld in 2020 and by Amy & Denis Parenti in 2022. Gail Linenberg and John Ortolf received their Level 1 Major Donor recognition in 2018.
New Level 1 Major Donors presented with Major Donor Crystals were: Allen Childs, Rick Millham Jr., Richard Newman, Charles Pressler, and Max E. Rose. Gail P. Linenberg was recognized as Major Donor Level 2.
We thank these major donors for their support to the Rotary Club of Doylestown and The Rotary Foundation. In so doing they show that all fellow human beings are worthy of our compassion. They are among a dedicated group of humanitarians who have committed themselves to serving others. Major Donors change and improve the lives of children, young people, adults, communities, and the world to which we all belong.
The evening was closed by Nicholas Molloy with a toast:
- to Rotary International, a global network of 1.4 million members who see a world where people unite and create lasting change.
- to The Rotary Foundation, which has raised $6.5 billion from the generosity of Rotarians with $2.5 billion going towards polio eradication which has immunized 3 billion children around the world.
- to the Rotary Club of Doylestown with 100 years of service above self to both the local and international communities.
- to past and present members of the Rotary Club of Doylestown, the people of action who ensured that the club continued to do good in the world for 100 years.
The evening’s entertainment was provided by Steve Croce, Alan Okun, and Dave Paller of the Lambertville Trio Jazz group.
The committee that organized the event was Helen Amelsberg, Jo-Anne Atwell, Suzanne Benda, Edward Denton, Karen Lasorda, Gail Linenberg, Linda McCrillis, Chris Nurney, Susan Okun, John Ortolf, Robert Tessier, and William Vantine.