Recipients of the Merrimack Rotary “Excellence In Workplace” are Recognized

MERRIMACK, NH - Sixteen local individuals were recognized by the Rotary Club of Merrimack for demonstrating “Excellence in the Workplace.” The event was held at a weekly Merrimack Rotary meeting on Thursday, April 21 in-person. Troy Aarthun, a club past-president, was the emcee.
Each awardee was recognized with a certificate including the description that was read of the individual's work and why he/she was being recognized. The 2022 recipients are:
Tom Carozza - Owner, Carozza Eye Care
Brian Gagnon - Volunteer Varsity Sports Commentator, Merrimack TV
Kaleigh Mulligan - Y Dance in Motion Company, YMCA of Greater Nashua
Kristen Capriotti - Assistant Director of the Arts, YMCA of Greater Nashua
Jackie Hancock - Membership Director, YMCA of Greater Nashua
Janna Vartarian - Kidstop Supervisor, YMCA of Greater Nashua
David Coyle - Owner, Aquatic Specialties
Joe Manzoli - Chief Operating Officer, YMCA of Greater Nashua
Katie Parker - Executive Director of Member Experience, YMCA of Greater Nashua
Courtney Count - Receptionist, Superdogs Daycare
Jennie Valade - Store Manager, Dunkin Donuts
Brandon Anketell - Automotive Technician, Haleem Mediouni
Amber Ellis - Driver Education Teacher, 1st Gear Driving, Inc.
Kaitlin Beard - Customer Service Agent, Bailey's Towing and Auto
Kerry Tarleton - Office Manager, Town of Merrimack Police Department
Erika Maguire - Communications Supervisor, Town of Merrimack Police Department
According to Steve Sher, Club President, “Rotary takes great pride in recognizing the good works of highly-regarded volunteers and employees in town."
Founded in 1971, the Rotary Club of Merrimack is a volunteer organization of business people and professionals supporting the community. Merrimack Rotary projects have included the Roger Duhamel Pavilion at Watson Park, scholarships, reconstruction of Kids' Kove Playground, the Merrimack July Fourth festivities, the Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest, Interact Club, lighting at Reeds Ferry fields and more. The Club works with other clubs on international projects like eradication of polio, Pure Water for the World, and hurricane relief in Honduras. Rotary Club of Merrimack also has an annual recognition of the three premiere Gold Award winners for the Green & White Mountain Council of the GSA and bestowing annual individual awards to the two Daniel Webster Council's best Scouts who earned the Eagle Scout of the Year & the Glenn & Melinda Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year.
To RSVP for a meeting or for information about membership, contact Chris Christensen at 603.424.2542 or email or visit