The Jane's Kids program is our annual volunteer effort shopping with 5 to 12 year-olds whose families can't afford to purchase new back-to-school clothes.
Our annual fishing derby for kids 15 or younger is held each May at Robin Hood Park in Keene.
Each year the Rotary Club of Keene distributes grants to local non-profit organizations in an amount up to $1,500 for objectives to benefit youth within the Monadnock Service area. Keene Rotary Club grants are for new initiatives, projects or programs and not for general operations support. RFPs will be announced in January.
The Success by Six Committee of the Keene and Elm City Rotary Clubs offers mini-grants to local non-profit organizations for programs working with young children to help them start school ready to learn. RFPs will be announced in January.
The Rotary Club of Keene manages the Keene Downtown Banner Program.
Each year the Keene Rotary Club provides thousands of dollars in interest-free loans to full-time college juniors and seniors from the Keene area.
The Keene Rotary Club Annual Winter Event is held each January. It is the primary fundraiser for Jane's Kids.

The Four-Way Test is the guiding philosophy of Rotarians world-wide.
First ~ Is it the Truth?
Second ~ Is it Fair to all concerned?
Third ~ Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Fourth ~ Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Keene, NH 03431
United States of America