The Universe is a Lot More Complicated Than You Might Think

On December 31, after breakfast at the Fullerton Inn, the Rotary Club of Chester VT closed out 2015 with a thought provoking presentation by fellow Rotarian, David Armstrong. David gave members and guests an overview of the book, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Cosmology is the study of the origin and development of the universe and as David explained, conditions had to be just right for life to develop on planet earth. Specifically, scientists have identified twenty-five design parameters that had to be fine-tuned for life to develop. With a four star rating on Amazon, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, by John Barrow and Frank Tipler, is as one reader stated, “an engaging book ... practically a universal education in both the history of modern science and the history of the Universe.” Barrow and Tipler’s book is not available for you Kindle.
In other matters of importance, the “Books for First Graders” project is getting organized by John Holme and President Dakin announced that the cost of the breakfast meals has risen to $10.00. Finally, Leah was the winner of this week’s ever popular raffle prize.