What happened this week........

Community Cares was presented with check for $500. Community Cares is a local non profit organization that offered assistance when needed to our local elderly. Community Cares worked with area groups to do spring clean up . They work as a friend to people in need. They listen, find the right organization to assist the person and get that help. They also can offer some community support such as providing a ride to the doctor, etc. They plan to offer a series on Advanced Directives with Springfield Hospital to help get the conversation going.

They have about 30 volunteers. They do various errands like shopping for groceries, driving to appointments and just visiting with people.

Townsend updated us on the Vertical Dinner. There will be raffle items in cheese wheel containers that were donated by the VT Country Store. Donations over $125 receive one ticket. 0ver $250 get two tickets. The auction items are coming in daily. We need to nail down the donations.