Brattleboro Rotary Club members served a Thanksgiving themed meal at Groundworks Seasonal Overflow Shelter, located on the Winston Prouty campus, on Monday, November 26. 
Servers of the meal were Regina Stefanelli , Lisa Mendelsund, her daughter Padma, and Robert M Szpila.
The meal included two 20-pound turkeys (Carl Lynde and Phil George), roasted vegetarian casserole (Jeremy Coleman), stuffing and squash (Jody Haley), potatoes (Ana Saavedra), green beans (Andy Rome), roasted vegetables (Lisa C Mendelsund, rolls/bread (Cathy Coonan & Rick Manson), milk/cider (Elizabeth R Harrison) and pumpkin pies baked by the club (Lisa Mendelsund, Liz Harrison, and Jerry Theberge)
According to project chair Stan Nowakowski, the next SOS meal will be Wednesday, December 19.