Rotary Club of Marion-East Cedar Rapids

The Marion-East Cedar Rapids Rotary Club is an organization of local business and professional persons who unite with other Rotarians worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards, good will and peace in the world. Chartered May 16, 1969, locally, the club provides scholarships to students of local schools, charters Boy and Girl Scout troops of Scouts BSA, supports the Marion Swamp Fox Festival Parade, and other local non-profit activities.
The Club's primary project is its "Shoes for Kids" program. Money raised for this endeavor provides shoes for children whose foot wear is inadequate. Linn County area school nurses and counselors identify these children and the Club provides discounted new shoes as identified.
The club joins with other Cedar Rapids area clubs to sponsor the Pribyl Rotary Golf Tournament for youth and other metro club projects such as the Rotary Wall at Prospect Meadows and the revitalization of the Shakespeare Gardens at Ellis Park.
We meet every Tuesday noon at Indian Creek Country Club for lunch, fellowship and to hear from various speakers. We also have fun and many Rotarians enjoy making up at our meetings.
Contact information for Marion - East Cedar Rapids Rotary Club:
P.O. Box 1183
Marion, IA 52302