Garden Work Morning At Davidson Middle School March 29. Below a Message from our friend Stuart Moody. If you are not going to the District Assembly we could use your help!

Spring Cleaning

In the DMS Garden


Saturday, March 29, 2008

9 am - noon


Come join fellow parents, teachers, students, and Garden lovers as we prepare for a rich season of growing and environmental education in the Davidson School Garden . 


With good winter rains, and a sunny spring already begun, here are our tasks for this season:


Construction & Repair

v  Install hinges on worm bin lids

v  Sand and oil tool handles

v  Weather-coat bench & work table by the Shed


Maintenance and beautification

v  Complete the removal of bermuda grass under elderberry and baccharus

v  Plant more shrubs to shade out these weeds forever

v  Transplant herbs to make room for vegetables

v  Remove fennel past the bridge

v  Collect rocks and pretty stones (to make designs and walls)

v  Remove spring weeds from Side Garden (by bridge path) and End Garden

v  Remove English ivy from bridge & marsh area


Planting & preparation

v  Add topsoil and compost to vegetable beds

v  Plant spring flowers

v  Start seeds for summer crops (peppers and tomatoes)


Earth-friendly snacks will be provided for all.  If you would like to bring something to share, please refer to the Zero Waste Lunch guidelines below.


Confirmation of your participation is appreciated.  If you have handyman skills, let us know!  RSVP to Brooke Jackson, PTA Garden Liaison:  phone 455-8565; e-mail 



An action paper by Green Sangha


Every day, the average American throws away about 4.5 pounds of garbage.  This garbage doesn't just go away.  It takes up vanishing landfill space.  The more garbage we produce, the farther we have to truck it for dumping, and the more greenhouse gases we emit.  Garbage trucks are major producers of particulates - asthma-causing diesel fumes that end up in our children's lungs.  Even items that we try to dispose responsibly (such as light-weight plastic bags) blow out of bins, trucks, and landfill sites, landing in our streams and Bay.  Over 25% of our garbage by volume is disposable plastic.  Plastics are known for their non-biodegradability and toxicity.  When they break down into smaller pieces, they can make poisonous leachate which is costly and difficult to control. 


Going Zero Waste is one of the most significant things we can do to protect the environment and our children's health.  And it's easier than you think!



A Zero Waste lunch is a celebration of community and our connection to all of life.  A Zero Waste lunch generates no trash. Instead, everything can be eaten, reused, or recycled.  Here are some tips to get you started:


What to use for your ZERO WASTE LUNCH:

o   A picnic basket, metal lunch box, or reusable canvas bags. 

o   Reusable containers for sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, crackers, etc. (for example, bandana, stainless steel tiffins, glass jars, waxed paper bags).

o   Thermos or reusable drink containers (glass, steel, ceramic). 

o   Reusable tableware. 

o   Cloth napkins. 

o   Washable linen or other fabric tablecloth.

o   Biodegradable cutlery (better yet, use stainless steel forks and spoons and wash them!).


What NOT to use for your ZERO WASTE LUNCH:

o   Juice boxes, disposable plastic or foil drink containers (e.g., Capri Suns).

o   Plastic bottles of any kind.

o   Styrofoam containers and cups.

o   Plastic baggies.

o   Aluminum foil (unless you can take it home to wash and recycle or reuse).

o   Individual-serving containers (e.g., applesauce, chips, pudding, yogurt).

o   Plastic cutlery.

o   Vinyl table coverings.

o   Any kind of throw-away table covering!

o   Lunchables!!!