Wow! The place was electric this morning with 33 Rotarians and guests present. We welcomed Jeff Neven our speaker, Reverend Paddy Doran, Kathy Lensen from the Dundas noon club and ex-club member Andy Coburn.

President Joe thanked the club members and the many volunteers for all their efforts to make the Lobster and Rib Dinner such a success. The arena was packed with 800 guests, many of them enjoying one of the four new pasta bars. This one was staffed by Norm and Barb.


Here Dave serves pasta overseer Fred.


Randy has several cases of wine left over and asked for buyers. Some of course will be used for the upcoming BBQ on June 18 at Joe's house. George reminded us that everyone should have that on their calendars as it is the end of the Rotary year party. It costs $25 pp.

Talking about the bar, Rotarian Chris Montgomery who we do not see often at meetings because of work commitments put in a full day tending bar at the lobster and rib dinner.


Many Happy Dollars this morning had the same theme, expressing delight that Andy was visiting the club. Supporting that cause were Bruce, Viola, Bob Morrow and Shirley. Wayne Massey competed in the 19th annual Massey Golf tournament and won. Jessica's son got a summer job making futons. She also was happy to have worked with Bill as his deputy sheriff for the silent auction. Viola managed to hold down two jobs to pay off a visa bill and Paul Clifford who is the club's oldest and longest serving Rotarian recognized three Rotarians in the room as his ex students.

Bruce never mentioned it but he is going in for more knee surgery tomorrow to remove a steel plate and some scar tissue. On Saturday he and Jan were busy selling bar tickets.


Before introducing guest speaker Jeff, the club made a presentation to Reverend Doran to help support the Canterbury Hills Conference Centre.