District Governor Sherry Sim makes her official visit to our club!
Welcome to Fall! This month featured inspiring presentations, from our District Governor Sherry Sim to the Annual Report on the successes of our Foundation. Not to mention the email from Past District Governor Marta Brown, which highlighted the awards our district received at the Zone level.
One accomplishment we can all be proud of is our participation in donations to the Rotary Foundation at all levels. This is how we bring "healing to a fractured world" (the Hebrew expression is T'kon Olam). As you consider your annual pledge and how you want your funds distributed—whether to the Rotary Club of Santa Barbara Sunrise Charitable Foundation, PolioPlus, disaster relief, or The Rotary Foundation—remember the pride you feel in knowing that you are making a difference. I encourage you to give what is comfortable for you and your family. Rotary emphasizes contributing your time, talents, and treasures in support of our goals. I hope everyone will participate in all three areas.
World Polio Day is coming up, so keep an eye out for flyers about activities. Complete polio eradication is within reach, and Rotary has inspired other organizations (such as the Gates Foundation, WHO, CDC, and UNICEF) to join our efforts and recognize that there is a path to making full eradication more than just a dream! While we may never reach 100%, that only makes us work harder to get there. Wear your Rotary bling with pride to spread the word about the good we have done.
Plans are coming together for the 40th anniversary celebration in March 2025. If you have ideas or would like to help, please contact Diana Washburn, Christine Holland, or anyone on the Vocational/Social Committee.
In the meantime, enjoy the beauty of Santa Barbara and a pumpkin spice latte!
Yours in Service,