Memories from Bill Abel's presidential year. 
As we approach our club's 40th anniversary of service and fellowship on March 6, take a look back at some photos from Bill Abel's presidential year (1997-98). 
When I think of all that transpired this past Rotary Year I am truly amazed.  From the trip to Glasgow to today’s awards ceremony this has been an outstanding year for me and for Sunrise Rotary.  Events this year are too numerous to mention in their entirety, so I will review a few highlights.
Number one would be our successful Golf Tournament, Barbeque and Silent Auction.  Thanks to Judith Cook and Ken Doss with their committee and total club participation we were able to net $12,500 for the Foundation.  Next in my memories was the productive trip to Cochabamba, Bolivia by Janet Napier, John Padilla, E. Russell 12Smith and Luz Maria Ortiz, where they discovered several new project opportunities and brought home a project for the Bolivians to do for us in the form of a dyslexic awareness center for local libraries.  Tom Heath recently journeyed to Celaya, Mexico to help open the new clinic that grew out of past projects that our club originated.  Our most successful spring fundraiser originated by Tim Marme in the form of a golf marathon raised $3,850 for the Foundation.  We had a lot of fun and nursed our blisters for a bit after that one!  The Community Service committee provided another outstanding year of local events topped off with the Swift of Ipswich tall ship program that greatly benefited some twenty tri-county youngsters and was a great deal of fun, too.  Transition House dinners, Youth Symphony, Red Ribbon, the Liberty Project and Camp Whittier also contributed to our local community’s outreach to youth.
Vocational mixers, awards, a 4-Way Test essay contest, and Career Day at Dos Pueblos High School were highlights of the Vocational Service Committee.  Regarding Club Service we had outstanding programs this past year thanks to club members suggestions and follow through by Stuart Colville.  Barrett O’Gorman and Ken Doss made the raffle and cake auction something everyone looked forward to meeting after meeting.  David Jochman and Patty Farmar patiently greeted arriving members and guests and collected the money that fuels the finances of our organization.  Jody Dolan welcomed five new members to our club this year and helped them get started with a new information brochure generated by Gary Jensen who also did a marathon quality job editing the club bulletin, The Early Bird Bugle.
The Foundation Board helped us to collect and distribute the revenues from our fundraisers and member’s generosity.  Many thanks to E. Russell Smith, Fred Gaeden and the other Board members who graciously gave their time to help others.
Now stay tuned as our first W-O-M-A-N President, Joanne Schoenfeld, helps us achieve even GREATER goals.  Show Rotary Cares now becomes Follow Your Rotary Dream.  Thank you for allowing me to preside over this wonderful organization! 
(Excerpt from 25th Anniversary program)