Sandra Sansoni introduced Diane Auten: Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Communications Studies.  She is a full-time college instructor, business owner of Competent Communications, and consultant in the field of communication.  Being a wife and mother, she has ample opportunity to try and test her skills in communication.


Research suggests that men and women come from two different "cultures".  They communicate for different reasons and in different ways.  The woman talks, the man busy doing something else, nods his head.  The man has specifics to deal with; the woman is more into wanting to talk about issues rather than to make a quick decision.  Both men and women need to understand these communication differences and deal with them; learn to appreciate male and female behavior and work through them.  Men are more linear in their thinking whereas, women are more circular and process more.  So it makes good sense to consider gender when dealing with clients, peers, or supervisors.  Men and women view conversations differently; and gender influences style of communication; and have different ways to respond to apology, silence, or boasting. 

            Auten offers seminars and workshops to help organizations understand and improve communication skills.  Current topics include "What's Sex Got to Do With It?",  "Working With Multigenerational Teams", and "Creating a Solid First Impression".