Mike Balster introduced Larry Rutter: He is a member of the San Luis Obispo Bike Club, has a PhD in Political Science, was an executive lobbyist in Washington DC; years later he ventured into the small business world purchasing and operating local radio stations in the California Gold country. He sold out, moved to the SLO area, works for KCBX and is a volunteer counselor for SCORE, a non profit organization dedicated to helping small businesses.


     Larry told us that our Club, full of humor and cheerfulness so early in the morning was wonderful. He loves being in small business. Small businesses make up 89% of the nation's business community. In SLO County, it's 96%. The advantages of being in small business are: decide when and how hard you work; set your business culture, rules and values; reap the income and benefits. Disadvantages are: get hit first and hardest in economic downturns; it's lonely at the top; hard work; and, praise is rare.

     SCORE counselors and workshops can help with business start ups, solving problems, marketing, finance and human resources. You can also get help from local Chambers of Commerce, books, magazines, internet, competitors and other non profits, such as Economic Vitality Commission. SCORE with over 10,000 counselors, 400 chapters can provide broad experience; experts and they constantly update their knowledge. The local chapter's 32 men and women volunteers offer free monthly workshops, special workshops; and, individual counseling and mentoring. For further information call SCORE, 547-0779 or www.sloscore.org.