Sandra Sansoni introduced James Glinn, Founder of the Movement For Life Team with locations in Arizona and California.  He is a graduate of LomaLindaUniversityMedicalCenter and has completed his doctorate in Physical Therapy through the University of St. Augustine and the North American Sports Medicine Institute.  He has trained and rehabilitated All-Americans, Olympians, amateur and professional athletes.


            Movement For Life is a group of individuals and organizations who are exercise scientists and physiologists, personal trainers and Doctors of Physical Therapy.  Mostly, they are individuals who are passionate both personally and professionally about embedding effective movement into our their lives and those of their clients and patients and who want people to gain access to effective movement.  They have recognized the need for effective guidance and education in regard to a movement continuum across a spectrum that includes performance, wellness and rehabilitation.

            Glinn tells us that the heart beats 3.5 billion times during a lifetime; its there, does its job and we have choices on how to keep it healthy and thriving during our lifetime.  At the present time in the US, people sit on an average of 14 hours each day; jobs are now more sedentary and we are actually not designed to sit this long.  It's natural that we want to sit as the body wants to conserve energy for flight purposes as we did when we were being chased by wild animals and enemies; now we need to modify our practices in order to have strength, stamina, flexibility, speed, coordination, cardio vascular endurance, agility, balance, accuracy and power.

            A good exercise program is not a destination, it is a journey.  Key phrases are: "Use it or lose it", 'You snooze, you lose" and No pain, no gain".  You must become steadfast, self sufficient and satisfied with what you do; the opposite being dependence, deterioration and depression.  Make small choices each day; for example, climb the stairs, don't take the elevator, walk around a building, walk to the store, etc.  Movement For Life provides a daily updated movement program as well as referral to Movement For Life Certified Affiliates.