What is a Passport Club?
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It is a Privilege and an Honor to help make a positive difference in the lives of young women in India. 
Our Rotary Club supports 3 girls so they can attend Piyali school in India.  Each student receives a state-approved education, books and supplies, uniform, two hot meals per day. Hygiene kits, mediclcal care, and after-school enrichment programs. 
Why do we do this? The truth is girls are less valued in India, and therefore receive less of the family resources. When abject and extreme poverty is in play, that only makes a bad situation worse. The uneducated girl is 38% more likely to marry a teenager, have an increased chance of experiencing abuse, or to fall into the 1.2 million sold into trafficking.
Best Holiday Party EVER! Thanks to Natasha, Beau, and Aliya Mercurio for hosting all of our Rotary Passport Club Members and their guests last evening. We had oodles of fun! Can't you tell from these pics? Great food, goofy Christmas outfits, excitement stealing each other's Christmas gifts, and, of course, the camaraderie: the best group of like-minded golden hearted people you will ever meet! Come join us and make a positive difference in our local community and beyond and have fun doing it!
Our Dedicated, Caring, and Giving Rotary Passport Club Members Got Together last Saturday to help build beds for children that currently do not have them. The beds were then outfitted with sheets, pillows, and blankets and then delivered to the families for the kids to sleep on. It was amazing to do something right away that would have an immediate impact.
Rotarians are such special people! Thanks to everyone who was there with us!
Don't you want to become a Rotarian too? Reach out to us! You will be very welcome!
As a Rotary Passport Club of the Central Coast member, you can come to our monthly minglers and hear amazing speakers from worthwhile nonprofit organizations that do great good in our San Luis Obispo County community. One of these amazing organizations is called “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”.  Colleen and Matt Grant run this wonderful organization. 
On Saturday, December 7th, our club members will meet at the Home Depot parking lot in San Luis Obispo at 8:30 AM to help build beds to ensure that no child has to sleep on the floor. Everyone is welcome to join us and help us build as many beds as possible which will be delivered that day!   💜
Great morning with current and new friends building beds for kids that don’t have a bed to sleep in.
The nonprofit organization, “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”, is wonderful. https://shpbeds.org/.
About 100 of us came together and built 111 beds that will be delivered to kids today- complete with a sheet set, blanket, pillow, and a comforter perfectly set up.
Service Hours
Volunteer hours our members have served last month: 
Volunteer hours our members have served this Rotary year: 
Since Charter July 1, 2017: 
If you are a non-profit or another Rotary Club in the San Luis Obispo County and would like us to offer help for your project or event, email Pamela with your request.
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